Archaeology of a Book: An experimental approach to reading rare books in archival contextsMain MenuIntroductionReading the First Books is an exploration of America's earliest printed booksPath: ProductionThis path explores the narratives of production embedded in the material qualities of the Advertencias.Path: CollectionPath describes the collection of early printed books in religious libraries across Mexico. 16-18th centuries.Path: AcquisitionPath describes the dispersal of early printed books in libraries and private collections beyond Mexican borders.Path: (Digital) FuturesBook history in a digital futureReferencesReferences, citations, and further readingTermsIndex of termsAuthorship & AcknowledgementsHannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255LLILAS Benson Latin American Studies and Collection
Media Gallery
12015-12-12T15:59:28-08:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c225543584Media from the "Archaeology of the Book" projectstructured_gallery1229762015-12-12T16:03:09-08:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
Contents of this path:
12015-02-25T13:04:30-08:00AnonymousAdditional title page for the Advertencias, Volume Two7Additional title page of volume two of the Advertencias features an unusual shield. /Text reads “Advertencias. Para los confessores de los Naturales. ¶Compuestas por el padre Fray Ioan Baptista, de la Orden del Seraphico Padre Sanct Francisco, Lector de Theologia, y Guardian del Convento de Sanctiago Tlatilulco: de la Provincia del Sancto Evangelio. Primera Parte. [This is followed by an image in a rectangular frame. Within the frame is a second, oval frame decorated with scrolls. Within this internal frame is a cross with protrusions perched on a heart pierced by arrows.] Con Privilegio. ¶En Mexico, En el convento de Sanctiago Tlatilulco, Por M. Ocharte. año 1600. / Image represents an exemplar held at the Benson Latin American Collection, Austin, Texasplain2015-11-12T20:21:48-08:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-04-01T10:16:06-07:00AnonymousConfessionario breve, en lengua mexicana y castellana5Title page: Confessionario breve, en lengua Mexicana y Castellana by Alonso de Molina, printed by Antonio de Espinosa (1565). Printed in red and black, in blackletter. Title on top reads "Confessionario breve, en lengua Mexicana y Castellana: compuesto por el muy reverendo padre fray Alonso de Molina, de la orden del seraphico padre Sant Francisco." Text on bottom reads "En Mexico en casa de Antonio de Espinosa, Imprsr. / 1565". In between is a large square frame that fills most of the page. Text around outside edge in red. Interior shows a a floral wreath and the Franciscan emblem: a shield with five bleeding wounds. From an exemplar held by the John Carter Brown Library in Providence, Rhode Island.plain2016-02-09T13:01:02-08:001565pl_jcbl_009John Carter Brown LibraryAlonso de MolinaAntonio de EspinosaPrimeros LibrosHannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-04-01T10:28:47-07:00AnonymousAntonio Ricardo's Sermonario (1577).2Title page of a Sermonario printed by Antonio Ricardo, in multiple font sizes, roman and italic. Title text reads "Sermonario [cut off in image] en lengua mexicana, donde se contiene (por el orden del missal nuevo romano,) dos sermones en todas las Dominicas y Festividades principales de todo el año: y otro en las Fiestas de los Sanctos, con sus vidas, y Comunes. Con un cathecismo en lengua mexicana y Española, con el Calendario. Compuesto por el reverendo padre Fray Iuan de la Anuniacion, Subprior del monasterio de Sant Augustin de Mexico. [Follow image shows a religious figure holding a building in the right hand and an open book in the left, arms outstretched in the shape of a cross, with praying figures kneeling behind him.] Dirigido al muy reverendo padre maestro fray Alonso de la vera cruz, Prouinicial de la orden de los Hermitaños de sant Augustin, en esta nueva España. En mexico, por Antonio Ricardo. M.D.LXXVII. Esta tassado en papel en [blank] pesos.plain2015-05-22T06:11:25-07:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-09-17T21:53:03-07:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255Arte mexicano4Title page: Arte mexicano, compuesto por el padre Antonio del Rincon de la compañia de Jesusplain2016-02-09T12:57:58-08:001595pl_blac_016Benson Latin American CollectionAntonio del RincónPedro BalliPrimeros LibrosHannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-05-06T15:04:22-07:00AnonymousAutomatic Transcription Output with Ocular3Three versions of the same fragment from the Advertencias: one is a facsimile image of the original page; one is a facsimile image in black in white with language changes marked in red; the final is an automatic transcription of the original page, with language shifts automatically generated. Transcription labels languages correctly on all but one word, and shows few character errors, though it does insert extra spaces in the Nahuatl text. Text reads: “Ay proprio vocablo de logro, que es, tetech-tlaixtlapanaliztli, tetechtlamieccaquixtiliztli, ypara dezir diste alogro? Cuix tetech otitlaix”.media/ocr-output.pngplain2015-06-26T11:16:37-07:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-03-24T07:39:58-07:00AnonymousBible Society Manuscript Note2Close-up shows a manuscript note written on the front pastedown of an Advertencias exemplar. A nameplate has been lifted up to show text underneath, reading " Presented __ Benj[ami]n Blinkhorn ____ the British & [For]eign Bible Society 1833". Exemplar is held by the Biblioteca Francisco Xavier Clavigeromedia/Ibero_BibleSociety.jpgplain2015-05-10T07:28:26-07:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-05-06T17:32:39-07:00AnonymousBiblioteca Burgoa2Photograph of the reading room at the Biblioteca Francisco de Burgoa in Oaxaca, Mexico. Image shows a long room with arched ceiling, walls lined with wooden bookshelves and filled with books bound in pergamino. Display cases near the front of the room hold stone artifacts showing, oaxaca20140704140316Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-09-23T19:53:20-07:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255Bilingual Catechism in the Advertencias1First page of a bilingual catechism in the Advertencias, beginning, in Spanish: "Preguntas de la Doctrina Christiana, para la gente simple y plebeya, qua[n]do se confiessa" (Questions of Christian Doctrine for the simple and common people, when they confess.)plain2015-09-23T19:53:20-07:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-12-01T15:29:35-08:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255Books on display at the Biblioteca Franciscana1media/DSCF2136.JPGplain2015-12-01T15:29:36-08:002014072918181520140729181815Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-09-23T21:55:32-07:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255Branded Books from the Herzstein Library, Houston, TX1media/SJA2014brandedbooks2DA.JPGplain2015-09-23T21:55:32-07:00David AvilaBranded edges of books on exhibit in Makking A Mark, Leaving a Legacy, 2014.Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-03-24T08:27:10-07:00AnonymousBritish Bible Society: Nahuatl Passage6Page from the British and American Bible Society’s Columbian Exposition pamphlet includes bible passages translated into Muskokee, Cherokee, Delaware, Nez Perces, Mayan, and "Mexican, or Aztec.” Aztec text reads “237. Mexican, or Aztec. Ni mehuaz yhuan ni az campa câ in no tâtzin yhuan nic ilhuiz: No tâtzin é, oni tlâtlacô ihuicopa in ilhuicatl yhuan mix pan têhuatl. - (Luke xv. 18.). Facsimile from, document held by the Princeton Theological Seminary Librarymedia/britishbiblesociety.jpegplain2015-05-10T07:05:01-07:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-09-23T20:57:07-07:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255Casa de la Primera Imprenta de América en Ciudad de México1Photograph of the first printing house in Mexico, as it appears today.plain2015-09-23T20:57:07-07:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-05-06T14:43:13-07:00AnonymousChallenges for Automatic Transcription2Two lines taken from hand-pressed books. First shows irregularly inked letters with blank spaces or smudging; second shows a wandering baseline in which letters are aligned unevenly on the page. First reads “rode along in silence” and second reads “the Death of the Deceased.” Images are from Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick’s Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-04-24T12:26:28-07:00AnonymousCobre Reader comparing frontmatter of the Advertencias4Cobre reader shows side-by-side “filmstrips” of two copies of the Advertencias, revealing differences between the two. The first copy has three page dedicatoria followed by a Licencia, while the second copy goes from the Dedicatoria directly to the first page of the Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-02-25T13:56:24-08:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255Colophon of the Advertencias (Segunda Parte)8The final page of volume two of the Advertencias, from a copy held by the Benson Latin American Collection, Austin, TX. Text is in roman font and divided in three parts, each separated on the page. Third part is the colophon, which reads: Excudebat Ludouicus Ocharte Figueroa, Mexici, in Regio Collegio sancte Crucis, sancti Iacobi de Tlati lulco. Anno Domini 1601. Image is from the copy held by the Benson Latin American Collection in Austin, Texas.plain2015-09-11T14:28:19-07:00289680All materials residing in the Impresos Mexicanos del Siglo XVI or its successors are public domain materials freely available for any and all uses; permission is not required.Advertencias para los confessores de los naturales (segunda parte)Primeros Libros Collection. Currently held by the Benson Latin American Collection.Juan Buatista, Melchior OchartePrimeros Libros Collection, Benson Latin American Collection.Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-02-23T13:51:26-08:00AnonymousCorrected Index7A page from the index of volume two of the Advertencias. As in most copies, in this exemplar, held by the Benson Latin American Collection in Austin, Texas, a correction has been pasted down. The corrected section (folio 3) reads: “Eandem auctoritatem habent Porvinciales Ordinum Mendicantium, & quibus ipso commiserint per Omnimoda Adria. 6. Fratribus Mendicanti b9 concessa. Vide in Elencho. 1. par. ver. Absolucion y absolver. sub sinem."plain2015-05-30T14:28:31-07:00289679All materials residing in the Impresos Mexicanos del Siglo XVI or its successors are public domain materials freely available for any and all uses; permission is not required.Advertencias para los confessores de los naturales (segunda parte)Primeros Libros Collection. Held by the Benson Latin American CollectionJuan Bautista, Melchior OchartePrimeros Libros Collection, Benson Latin American CollectionHannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-02-23T13:55:05-08:00AnonymousCorrection Close-Up2Selection from the corrected Index (f3) of the Advertencias shows a pasted-in correction. Text reads "Eandem auctoritatem habent Prouinciales Ordinum Menidcantium, & quibus ip|i cõmi|serint per Omnimodã Adria. 6. Fratribus Medicantib 9 conce|sã. Vide in Elencho. I. par. ver. Ab|olucion y Ab|oluer. |ub |inem." this exemplar is held by the Benson Latin American Collection in Austin, Texas,media/index_correction.jpgplain2015-05-10T07:24:39-07:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-02-25T14:29:58-08:00AnonymousDedication Page of the Advertencias (Primera Parte)7The first page of the dedicatoria to the Advertencias (Primera Parte). Text is in roman font, with a subtitle in italics and a floral initial “A”. Text reads: DEDICATORIA. ¶ Prologo Dedicatorio del Auctor, a Nuestro Padre Fray Pedro de Pila Commissario General de todas las Provincias y Custodias desta nueva España, Florida y Phil- lippina. &. Aunque por ser estas Advertencias parte del confesionario que a V.P. dedique los días passados, no era necessario dedicarlas de nuevo: Pero porque aviendo començado a imprimirlas (viendo el mal aparejo que para esto avia) las dexava, y reservaba para tiempo mas acomodado, y V. P. con imperio y potestad de Prelado Superior, y amor muy antiguo de vero Padre me mandò e solicitò con toda Facsimile image taken from an exemplar (V1E1) at the Benson Latin American Collection, Austin, TX.plain2015-05-30T08:58:30-07:00289679ll materials residing in the Impresos Mexicanos del Siglo XVI or its successors are public domain materials freely available for any and all uses; permission is not required.Advertencias para los confessores de los naturalesPrimeros Libros Collection. Currently held by the Benson Latin American Collection in Austin, TX.Juan Bautista, Melchior OchartePrimeros Libros Collection, Benson Latin American Collection.Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-05-05T14:10:36-07:00AnonymousDel convento de Santa Barbara3The twelfth leaf (recto side) of an exemplar of the Advertencias held by the Biblioteca José María Lafragua in Puebla, Mexico. Page shows a manuscript note, in ink, with some water damage, that appears to read “ del conbento de S[anta] Barbar[a].” Text reads “Yndios con la publicacion deste Libro, para que con facilidad pueda venir a manos de sus Ministros, y se consiga el fructo que el piadoso zelo y buenos trabajos del Auctor pretende. Fecha en este convento de Sancto Domingo desta Ciudad de Mexico. a 11 dias del mes de Iunio de 1601. Fray Hernando Bacan. [Beneath the text is a large half-page floral design in the shape of a diamond.]plain2015-05-30T15:48:33-07:00289631All materials residing in the Impresos Mexicanos del Siglo XVI or its successors are public domain materials freely available for any and all uses; permission is not required.Advertencias para los confessores de los naturales (primera parte)Primeros Libros Collection. Held by the Biblioteca Jose Maria Lafragua.Juan Bautista, Melchior OchartePrimeros Libros CollectionHannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-11-29T21:35:25-08:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255Entrar la Biblioteca Franciscana2Entrance to the Biblioteca Franciscana in Cholula, Mexicomedia/DSCF2117.JPGplain2015-11-29T21:35:48-08:00Hannah Alpert-AbramsHannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-03-06T08:35:56-08:00AnonymousFinal page of the Indulgencias in the Advertencias.7The final page of the "Indulgencias” in the copy of the Advertencias (primera parte) held at the Cushing Memorial Library. The document is dated 1603, reading: “Supradicta indulgentia conceditur ad annos 25. computandos a die publicationis illius videlicet, a die 15. Septemb. anni. 1603. Page is printed in italic, with a decorative design filling in empty space at the bottom of the page.plain2015-05-30T15:02:14-07:00289741All materials residing in the Impresos Mexicanos del Siglo XVI or its successors are public domain materials freely available for any and all uses; permission is not required.Advertencias para los confessores de los naturalesPrimeros Libros Collection. Held by the Cushing Memorial Library at Texas A&M University.Juan Bautista, Melchior OchartePrimeros Libros Collection.Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-02-24T15:03:32-08:00AnonymousFlorentine Codex illustrations4Page from a facsimile edition of the Florentine Codex manuscript (Historia de las cosas de nueva españa) is divided into four boxes; each one contains a colored drawing of a god in the Nahua pictorial style. Clockwise from upper left: First image notation reads “vitzilobuchtli otro hercules, Capitulo primero fo. 1.” Second reads “Tezcatlipaca. otro jupiter. ¶Capitulo tercero. fo. ibidem." Third reads: Tlaloc tlamazquy. dios de las pluujas. Capitulo quatro fo. 2.” and fourth reads “Paynal. vicario de vitzilobuchtli. Capitulo segundo fo. ibidem." Image comes from the World Digital Library from a manuscript held at the Medicea Laurenziana Library in Florence, Italy.plain2015-06-26T11:12:09-07:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-02-23T06:43:32-08:00AnonymousFolio 14 (1) of the Advertencias8The first of two folios in the Advertencias to be numbered “14”. This image shows the recto (numbered) side of the page, which begins with the text: “¶Si el penitente quisiere nombrar en la confession al complice del delicti, en ninguna manera lo permita el confessor, por que pecarria gravamente si lo permitiesse, como enseñan Doctores graves. Vease el padre fr. Manuel P. p. sum. c. 53. concl. 8. num. 9.” Image is from an exemplar held by the Benson Latin American Collection.plain2015-05-30T08:57:39-07:00289679Advertencias para los confessores de los naturalesJuan BautistaMelchor OchartePrimeros Libros Collection, Benson Latin American CollectionHannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-02-23T06:44:16-08:00AnonymousFolio 14 (2) of the Advertencias6The second of two folios in the Advertencias to be numbered “14”. This image shows the recto (numbered) side of the page, which shows a running header “Los Con|e||ores.” and the number 14 before beginning with the text: “¶El confessor a cuyos pies vinieren Indios 16 de obraje, procure ante todas cosas acabar con los amos y dueños, que les perdonen lo que les han cogido, y apañado de su casa: pues hablando moralmente pocos ay que no hurten algo, en los dichos lugares: y estan casi impossibilitados de poder satisfazer, y con estos podran absolver a sus penitentes. Image is from an exemplar held by the Benson Latin American Collection in Austin, Texas.plain2015-05-30T08:56:46-07:00289679ll materials residing in the Impresos Mexicanos del Siglo XVI or its successors are public domain materials freely available for any and all uses; permission is not required.Advertencias para los confessores de los naturalesPrimeros Libros Collection. Currently resides in the Benson Latin American CollectionJuan Bautista, Melchor OchartePrimeros Libros Collection, Benson Latin American CollectionHannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-09-23T19:12:26-07:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255Folio 14 Recto: las peras1plain2015-09-23T19:12:27-07:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-04-21T14:44:37-07:00AnonymousIcazbalceta Binding4The front cover of the Advertencias in a binding by Joaquín García Icazbalceta. Binding is green leather with a thin cold line forming a square border. Interior features a large design of interlocking circles and floral curls forming a diamond in gold. Image from an exemplar held by the Benson Latin American Collection in Austin, Texas.plain2015-05-30T09:02:04-07:00289679All materials residing in the Impresos Mexicanos del Siglo XVI or its successors are public domain materials freely available for any and all uses; permission is not required.Advertencias para los confessores de los naturales (primera parte)Primeros Libros Collection. Currently held by the Benson Latin American Collection.Juan Bautista, Melchior OchartePrimeros Libros Collection, Benson Latin American CollectionHannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-04-21T14:45:58-07:00AnonymousIcazbalceta original binding4Edition of the Advertencias in what is likely an original binding - thin brown leather wrinkled and discolored with age. Image from an exemplar held by the Benson Latin American Collection in Austin, Texas.plain2015-05-30T14:20:49-07:00Primeros Librospl_blac_049289681All materials residing in the Impresos Mexicanos del Siglo XVI or its successors are public domain materials freely available for any and all uses; permission is not required.Primeros Libros Collection, Benson Latin American CollectionPrimeros Libros Collection. Held by the Benson Latin American Collection.Juan Bautista, Melchior OcharteAdvertencias para los confessores de los naturalesHannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-02-23T14:09:42-08:00AnonymousIndex without correction5A page from the index of volume two of the Advertencias. In most copies, the ninth and tenth lines have been replaced with a pasted-in correction. In this exemplar, held by Tulane University’s Latin American Library in New Orleans, Louisiana, the correction is missing and the original text can be seen. The corrected section (folio 3) reads: “Eandem auctoritatem habent Porvinciales Ordinum Mendicantium, & quibus ipso commiserint per Pauli. 3. Bullam que incipit, Altitudo divine Consilij. Vide in Elencho. 1. par. ver. Absolucion y absolver. sub sinem."plain2015-05-30T14:25:04-07:00289757All materials residing in the Impresos Mexicanos del Siglo XVI or its successors are public domain materials freely available for any and all uses; permission is not required.Advertencias para los confessores de los naturales (segunda parte)Primeros Libros Collection. Held by the Tulane University Latin American LibraryPrimeros Libros Collection, Tulane University Latin American LibraryHannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-11-29T16:49:13-08:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255Joaquín García Icazbalceta2Portrait of García Icazbalcetaplain2015-11-29T16:53:08-08:0015 Feb. 1895This work was published before January 1, 1923 and it is anonymous or pseudonymous due to unknown authorship. It is in the public domain in the United States as well as countries and areas where the copyright terms of anonymous or pseudonymous works are 92 years or less since publication.La Ilustración Española y AmericanaWikipediaHannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-05-06T17:55:01-07:00AnonymousJuan Bautista's Sermonario2Page from Juan Bautista's Sermonario shows indigenous attributions. This page begins "He me ayudado en esta obra de algunos naturales muy ladinos, y habiles" and provides a detailed description of the work of Hernando de Ribas, Don Iuan Berardo, and Diego Adriano. From Internet Archivemedia/sermonario.jpgplain2015-05-18T11:44:37-07:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-04-01T10:27:42-07:00AnonymousJuan Pablos' Constituciones del Arzobispado... (1556)4Title page of the Constituciones, printed by Juan Pablos in 1556. Page is overtaken by a large rectangular square frame. Inside the frame is an elaborate design featuring rope tassles and ribbons surrounding a shield decorated with animal faces including eagles and goats. The shield, divided in three parts, shows two buildings and a abstract emblem. At the bottom are two nopal cacti and ribbons with the text "PRO XPO LE GA TIO VIE FVVIGIMVR". Beneath the image, the title reads "¶Constituciones del acrobispado y provincia de la muy ynsigne y muy leal ciudad de tenuxtitlã Mexico de la nueva España". Image from an exemplar held by the Benson Latin American Collection in Austin, TX.plain2015-06-26T11:07:47-07:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-02-24T16:04:47-08:00AnonymousJuan Pascoe's Printing Press2This video introduces the viewer to the printer Juan Pascoe of Michoacan, Mexico.plain2015-09-11T14:15:18-07:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-04-01T10:05:09-07:00AnonymousManual de Adultos, Juan Pablos, 15403One of two surviving leaves from the Manual de adultos, the earliest surviving book known to have been printed in Nueva España (printed by Juan Pablos in 1540). The book is in blackletter, with a decorated initial G in black, a red title and black text. Image shows that it is bound in marbled paper. The fragment is currently held by the John Carter Brown Library, where it is bound with Juan de Zumárraga’s Dotrino Breve (1544).plain2015-06-26T11:12:55-07:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-05-05T15:00:15-07:00AnonymousMarca de Fuego on a copy of the Advertencias at the Burgoa2Photograph of the bottom edge of a copy of the Advertencias shows a single marca de fuego in the shape of an X. Personal photograph taken at the Biblioteca Burgoa (volume two, copy 2).media/mdf_burgoa2.JPGplain2015-05-18T11:59:35-07:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-05-05T15:00:50-07:00AnonymousMarca de Fuego on a copy of the Advertencias held at the Biblioteca Franciscana3Photograph of bottom edge of the Advertencias with a Marca de Fuego in the shape of an oval framed by text, with the image of a man inside. Exemplar held by the Biblioteca Franciscana, Universidad de las Américas Puebla. (personal photo)media/mdf_franciscana.JPGplain2016-02-01T13:54:19-08:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-05-05T15:45:26-07:00AnonymousMarca de Fuego on an exemplar of the Advertencias (Biblioteca Francisco Xavier Clavigero)5Bottom edge of a copy of the Advertencias shows an elaborate horizontal marca de fuego (firebrand). Facsimile of an exemplar held by the Biblioteca Francisco Xavier Clavigero, Universidad Iberoamericana de Mé Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-05-05T13:58:08-07:00AnonymousMarca en Tinta5The bottom edge of this copy of the Advertencias, from the Biblioteca Lafragua, shows an incomplete marca en tinta - an epigram drawn in ink that spells out the letters SATO (in this case, the image is incomplete, showing only the A, the O, and part of the T). (Ref. 19449-41040201, Biblioteca José María Lafragua. BUAP)plain2016-02-01T17:06:32-08:00289631All materials residing in the Impresos Mexicanos del Siglo XVI or its successors are public domain materials freely available for any and all uses; permission is not required.Advertencias para los confessores de los naturalesPrimeros Libros Collection. Held by the Biblioteca Lafragua.Juan Bautista, Melchior OchartePrimeros Libros Collection.Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-05-05T14:33:58-07:00AnonymousMarca en tinta with MDF overlay3SATO marca en tinta with overlay shows difference between inked and burned brandsmedia/marca-stencil.jpgplain2015-11-29T15:54:07-08:00Mercedes I. Salomón SalazarAdvertencias para los confessores de los NaturalesBiblioteca José María LafraguaHannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-03-13T14:13:19-07:00AnonymousMatching Catchwords3The verso side of folio one and the recto side of folio two show an example of correct catchwords: the catchword on the verso page (ber) matches the first word of the recto page (ber). Facsimile from an exemplar held by the Benson Latin American Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-03-13T13:52:01-07:00AnonymousMatching catchwords from folio 304 of the Advertencias6An example of matching catchwords: image shows that the catchword on the verso side of folio 303 (6 ¶ Pau) is the same as the first word on the following page. Facsimile is of a copy held by the Benson Latin American Collection. Compare to the catchwords on the same pages of the exemplar held by the Lafragua Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-04-01T10:23:01-07:00AnonymousMelchior Ocharte's Confessionario (1599)4Title page of the Confessionario en lengua mexicana y castellana. In Roman and Italic fonts, with a shield in the center identical to that of the Advertencias. / Text reads: *Confessionario* en lengua mexicana y castellana. ¶Con muchas advertencias muy necessarias para los Confessores. ¶Compuesto por el Padre Fray Ioan Baptista de la orden del Seraphico Padre Sanct Francisco, lector de Theologia en esta provincia del sancto Evangelio, y guardian del convento de Sanctiago Tlatilulco. [This is followed by a Franciscan shield in a circular, decorative frame. Image is divided in three parts; upper right shows two arms crossed with stigmata.] *Con privilegio* ¶En Sanctiago Tlatilulco, Por Melchior Ocharte. Año de. 1599. / Image from an exemplar held by the Benson Latin American Collectionplain2015-06-26T11:06:11-07:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-03-13T13:55:49-07:00AnonymousMismatched catchwords from folio 304 of the Advertencias6An example of mismatched catchwords: image shows that the catchword on the verso side of folio 303 (|ud) is different from the first word on the following page (6 ¶ Pau). Facsimile is of a copy held by the Biblioteca Lafragua. Compare to the catchwords on the same pages of the exemplar held by the Benson Latin American Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-03-13T13:47:22-07:00AnonymousMismatched catchwords in the Advertencias6Image shows two pages of the Advertencias (Folio 114 verso and 115 recto) from the Primeros Libros website. The catchword on the verso page reads "dem", while the first word on the recto page is "eodem." Facsimile image is from an exemplar held by the Benson Latin American Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-03-13T13:49:36-07:00AnonymousMismatched catchwords on the Advertencias.4media/catchwords_Burgoa115.jpgplain2015-05-18T11:09:58-07:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-02-24T15:47:06-08:00AnonymousMolina Title Page3Title page of Molina’s Confessionario Breve, which was printed by Antonio de Espinosa (Mexico’s second printer) in 1565. The decorative title page is printed in black and red in Gothic font. Title text along top reads “Confessionario breve, en lengua Mexicana y Castellana: compuesto por el muy reverendo padre fray Alonso de Molina, de la orden del seraphic padre Sant Francisco.” This is followed by a large shield with red decoration, in a wreath of black and red roses and other decorations. Around the edge, a square frame features text that reads: (clockwise from bottom left) “Accipite Spiritum sanctum, quorum remiseritis peccata: remittuntur wis. Et quorum recin verities, recent sung. Joanis. 20.” bottom reads “En Mexico en casa de Antonio de Espinosa, Imp[re]ssor. 1565." Image is from an exemplar held by the John Carter Brown library.plain2015-05-08T21:18:44-07:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-03-24T07:40:30-07:00AnonymousNameplate for Manual Arango Arias on a copy of the Advertencias2Close-up shows a nameplate affixed to the front pastedown of an Advertencias exemplar. A circular frame reads “Manuel Arango Arias” over a laurel wreath, with Ex-Libris underneath. Inside is a shield in the shape of an open book divided in four pieces, each with an image. Clockwise from upper left, images are: 1. letters ABC 2. profile of a face 3. horizontal pen nib and 4. unclear, perhaps a paintbrush. Image also shows a manuscript note partially obscured by the nameplate. Pastedown suggests an early or original binding, and shows some wear including holes on the top. Exemplar is held by the Biblioteca Francisco Xavier Clavigero at the Universidad Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-11-29T16:31:06-08:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255Nicolas León Nameplate2Nameplates from Nicolas León and the John Carter Brown Library on a copy of the Confessionario bound with the first volume of the Alpert-AbramsConfessionario en lengua mexicana y castellanaJohn Carter Brown Library2015111809314020151118093140Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-09-17T22:07:15-07:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255Opera medicinalia3Title page: Opera medicinalia by Francisco Bravo (printed by Pedro Ocharte)plain2016-02-09T12:58:32-08:001570pl_bjml_004Biblioteca José María LafraguaFrancisco BravoPedro OchartePrimeros LibrosHannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-05-06T15:12:25-07:00AnonymousOrthographic Challenges for Primeros Libros2Sample text displays orthographic challenges for Primeros Libros, including ligatures, spelling, diacritics, elided characters, and obsolete Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-05-05T14:59:51-07:00AnonymousOverlapping marcas de fuego on a copy of the Advertencias2Photograph of the bottom edge of a copy of the Advertencias shows two overlapping brands. Personal photo taken at the Biblioteca Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-05-05T13:03:42-07:00AnonymousPear Thievery in the Advertencias5Page from the Advertencias is in roman font, with running header reading “Aduertencias para”. Page discusses the nature of the sin of stealing pears. Text reads: “haga con malicia, y con animo de hacer daño pecca venialmente como dice S. Thomas. 2. secunde. q. 66. art. 6. y Navarro. c. 1. nu. 3. y Covarro. y otros. Porque en todos los preceptos, la poquedad de la cosa, o materia [salvo si ay menosprecio] libra de peccado mortal. La 2. que para saber quando la materia es leve, cuyo hurto es peccado venial, solamente se ha de considerar las circunstancias de las personas, Reynos, Provincias, y lugares, conviene a saber, se la persona a quien se hurta es rica, o pobre. Y asi segun Nava. Soto y la comu, si alguno hurta una cosa pequeña a un pobre, cuya falta le haze gran daño, o le causa grave pena, pecca mortalmente; como si uno hurtasse una Lesna a un çapatero, y unas Peras de un arbol, las quales su señor tenia guardadas para de ellas hazer un presente, como comunmente estos Naturales guardan sus frutillas, para este effecto. Lo. 3. se h de notar lo que dize el padre fr. Luys Lopez 2. p. Instructor ij conscientiae, que los criados que a sus señores hurtan oy un poco, y de aqui a un mes otro poco, y asi inerpolatim per menses, quo libet mese, a liquid modicum, de suerte que en fin de tres o quatro años, se venga a juntar, tanta quanti dad. Image shows folio 14v (second f14) from the copy held by the Benson Latin American Collection in Austin, Texas.plain2015-05-30T15:28:41-07:00289679All materials residing in the Impresos Mexicanos del Siglo XVI or its successors are public domain materials freely available for any and all uses; permission is not required.Advertencias para los confessores de los naturales (primera parte)Primeros Libros Collection. Held by the Benson Latin American Collection.Juan Bautista, Melchior OchartePrimeros Libros CollectionHannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-04-01T10:21:48-07:00AnonymousPedro Balli's Confessionario Mayor (1578)4Title page of the Confessionario Mayor, en la lengua Mexicana y Castellana. Text is framed by an elaborate classical design, with left and right columns depicting nude Adam and Eve, winged cherubs above and below. / Text reads: Confessionario Mayor, en la lengua Meixcana y Castellana. Compuesto por elmuy reverendo padre Fray Alonso Molina, de la orden del Seraphico Sant Francisco. En mexico. ¶En casa de Pedro Balli. Año de 1578. / Image is from an exemplar held by the Benson Latin American Collection.plain2015-06-26T11:04:56-07:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-04-01T10:25:59-07:00AnonymousPedro Ocharte's Psalterium3Title page of the Psalterium shows title framed by images of holy men. Six men along left and right side pose standing; men along bottom are reading or writing, while a holy figure on the top is surrounded by angels with wings. Title text in red and black roman script reads: "Psalterium, Aniphonarium Sanctorale, cu Psalmis, & Hymnis, positis in suis locis proprijs vniuscuiusq, diei sesti totiusanni, nue primo cum licentia excussum." Text followed by rectangular framed image of jesus on the cross, with two holy figures arms clasped in prayer. Text below reads "Mexici. Exeudebat Petrus Ocharte. M.D.LXXXIIIL."plain2015-05-22T05:46:55-07:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-09-17T20:45:42-07:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255Primeros Libros1Header from PL Websitemedia/Primeros-Libros-Landing-Page-960x776px.jpgplain2015-09-17T20:45:42-07:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-05-06T17:35:10-07:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255Primeros Libros2Image from the homepage for the Primeros Libros shows tops of leather-bound books overlaid with a printed page. Text reads "Los Primeros Libros de las Américas. Impresos americanos del siglo XVI en las Bibliotecas del Mundo."media/primeros-libros.pngplain2015-05-18T15:10:12-07:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-03-24T07:35:40-07:00AnonymousProvenance note in a copy of the Advertencias3Manuscript note registering 1810 acquisition of the Advertencias. Text reads "Año de 1810 Compre este, y otro del mismo autor, q[u]e su titulo es, Advertencias pa Confesores de los Naturales, aquel con el sello o marca del Carmen, ambos pa papel viejo, o escrito, pa coetes pa la mina de Stã. Textr. Caxxillo" Exemplar held by the Biblioteca Francisco Xavier Clavijero at the Universidad Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-05-03T13:34:45-07:00AnonymousSahagun in the Advertencias5Folio 105 (verso) of the Advertencias quotes extensively from Sahagun. Text begins "Siguense algunas abusiones antiguas que estos Naturales tuvieron en su gentilidad, segun que escribe el Padre fray Bernardino de Sahagun, en el libro segundo de su Bocabulario Trilingue." From an exemplar held by the Benson Latin American Collection.plain2016-02-09T13:07:14-08:00289679All materials residing in the Impresos Mexicanos del Siglo XVI or its successors are public domain materials freely available for any and all uses; permission is not required.Advertencias para los confessores de los naturales (primera parte)Primeros Libros Collection. Held by the Benson Latin American Collection.Juan Bautista, Melchior OchartePrimeros Libros CollectionHannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-05-03T13:39:59-07:00AnonymousSahagun's original text3Appendix to Book 5 of the Historia General (Florentine Codex). From the World Digital Library.plain2016-02-09T13:10:17-08:00Medicea Laurenziana Library in FlorenceWorld Digital LibraryHannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-11-29T15:33:23-08:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255SATO Marca de Fuego and Marca en Tinta3Two books illustrating differences between the Marca de Fuego (firebrand) and the Marca en Tinta (ink brand)media/mdf.jpgplain2016-02-01T17:07:59-08:00Mercedes I. Salomón SalazarBiblioteca José María LafraguaHannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-11-29T15:43:07-08:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255SATO with smaller overlay4SATO Marca de fuego with a smaller branded overlaymedia/mini-sato.jpgplain2015-11-29T15:55:39-08:00Mercedes I. Salomón SalazarBiblioteca José María LafraguaHannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-05-06T14:25:28-07:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255Scanning the Primeros LIbros1Scanning Workshop at the Universidad Iberoamericanamedia/scanning_workshop_ibero.jpgplain2015-05-06T14:25:28-07:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-02-25T13:15:55-08:00AnonymousStandard Title Page, Part Two of the Advertencias3The standard title page of volume two of the Advertencias. /Text reads “Advertencias. Para los confessores de los Naturales. ¶Compuestas por el padre Fray Ioan Baptista, de la Orden del Seraphico Padre Sanct Francisco, Lector de Theologia, y Guardian del Convento de Sanctiago Tlatilulco: de la Provincia del Sancto Evangelio. Segunda Parte. [This is followed by a Franciscan shield in a circular, decorative frame. Image is divided in three parts; upper right shows two arms crossed with stigmata.] Con Privilegio. ¶En Mexico, En el convento de Sanctiago Tlatilulco, Por M. Ocharte. año 1600. / Image represents an exemplar held at the Biblioteca Palafoxiana, Puebla, MX.plain2015-05-08T20:13:32-07:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-02-20T19:14:49-08:00AnonymousStandard Title Page, Primera Parte, Advertencias....7Title Page: Advertencias para los confessores de los naturales, by Juan Bautista, printed by Melchor Ocharte (1600). Text reads: "Advertencias. Para los confessores de los Naturales. Compuestas por el padre Fray Ioan Baptista, de la Orden del Seraphico Padre Sanct Francisco, Lector de Theologia, y Guardian del Convento de Sanctiago Tlatilulco: de la Provincia del Sancto Evangelio. Primera Parte. [Shield in round, decorated border. Interior divided in three. Crossed hands with stigmata in upper right corner.] Con previlegio. En Mexico, En el convento de Sanctiago Tlatilulco, Por M. Ocharte. Año 100." Facsimile of a copy held by the Benson Latin American Collection.plain2016-02-09T13:05:19-08:001600pl_blac_047Benson Latin American CollectionJuan BautistaPrimeros LibrosHannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-02-24T15:35:25-08:00AnonymousSutro Library Collection, c. 19563A photograph of the Sutro Library Collection, c. 1956, in storage in the basement of the Old Main Library in San Francisco, California.plain2015-05-18T15:36:17-07:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-02-20T19:19:03-08:00AnonymousTlatelolco2Personal photograph of the site at Tlatelolco. Image shows stone ruins in foreground in form of two sloping stairs surrounded by grass, with a church bell towers (made of the same stone) behind, and apartment buildings.plain2015-05-22T06:14:38-07:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-02-23T14:15:51-08:00AnonymousUncorrected Index2Close up of the part of the Index that was corrected in most copies reads "Pauli. 3. Bullam que incipit, Altitudo diuini Con|ilij. "media/indexCorrection_pl_tlal_012_00695-1000.jpgplain2015-05-18T15:25:21-07:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255