This content was created by Anonymous. The last update was by Hannah Alpert-Abrams.
Archaeology of a Book: An experimental approach to reading rare books in archival contextsMain MenuIntroductionReading the First Books is an exploration of America's earliest printed booksPath: ProductionThis path explores the narratives of production embedded in the material qualities of the Advertencias.Path: CollectionPath describes the collection of early printed books in religious libraries across Mexico. 16-18th centuries.Path: AcquisitionPath describes the dispersal of early printed books in libraries and private collections beyond Mexican borders.Path: (Digital) FuturesBook history in a digital futureReferencesReferences, citations, and further readingTermsIndex of termsAuthorship & AcknowledgementsHannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255LLILAS Benson Latin American Studies and Collection
Pear Thievery in the Advertencias
12015-05-05T13:03:42-07:00Anonymous43585Page from the Advertencias is in roman font, with running header reading “Aduertencias para”. Page discusses the nature of the sin of stealing pears. Text reads: “haga con malicia, y con animo de hacer daño pecca venialmente como dice S. Thomas. 2. secunde. q. 66. art. 6. y Navarro. c. 1. nu. 3. y Covarro. y otros. Porque en todos los preceptos, la poquedad de la cosa, o materia [salvo si ay menosprecio] libra de peccado mortal. La 2. que para saber quando la materia es leve, cuyo hurto es peccado venial, solamente se ha de considerar las circunstancias de las personas, Reynos, Provincias, y lugares, conviene a saber, se la persona a quien se hurta es rica, o pobre. Y asi segun Nava. Soto y la comu, si alguno hurta una cosa pequeña a un pobre, cuya falta le haze gran daño, o le causa grave pena, pecca mortalmente; como si uno hurtasse una Lesna a un çapatero, y unas Peras de un arbol, las quales su señor tenia guardadas para de ellas hazer un presente, como comunmente estos Naturales guardan sus frutillas, para este effecto. Lo. 3. se h de notar lo que dize el padre fr. Luys Lopez 2. p. Instructor ij conscientiae, que los criados que a sus señores hurtan oy un poco, y de aqui a un mes otro poco, y asi inerpolatim per menses, quo libet mese, a liquid modicum, de suerte que en fin de tres o quatro años, se venga a juntar, tanta quanti dad. Image shows folio 14v (second f14) from the copy held by the Benson Latin American Collection in Austin, Texas.plain2015-05-30T15:28:41-07:00289679All materials residing in the Impresos Mexicanos del Siglo XVI or its successors are public domain materials freely available for any and all uses; permission is not required.Advertencias para los confessores de los naturales (primera parte)Primeros Libros Collection. Held by the Benson Latin American Collection.Juan Bautista, Melchior OchartePrimeros Libros CollectionHannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
12015-12-12T15:59:28-08:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255Media GalleryHannah Alpert-Abrams4Media from the "Archaeology of the Book" projectstructured_gallery1229762015-12-12T16:03:09-08:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255
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12015-02-20T14:17:32-08:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255BindingHannah Alpert-Abrams1images, text, etc. that relate to binding practices.plain2015-02-20T14:17:32-08:00Hannah Alpert-Abrams9dd7500ea284b1882c8042744db689b17f2c2255