Sara Janssonius (c. 1646-1669) (The widow of Elizaeus Weyerstraet)
1media/IMG_0664.jpg2023-02-13T12:52:22-08:00Sue Luftscheinc3da4f338cfb5c3d980919bd84c8fb083c380bd64239213plain13498792023-03-03T10:55:53-08:00Sue Luftscheinc3da4f338cfb5c3d980919bd84c8fb083c380bd6Sara Janssonius (circa 1646-1669) was the widow of Amsterdam printer Elizaeus Weyerstraet, who himself was the nephew of Amsterdam bookseller Johannes I Janssonius Van Waesberge, with whom he was associated from 1663. After his death in 1666, Sara ran the business and often published as either "viduam Elizei Weyerstraet" or "viduam & haeredes Elizei Weyerstraet" (widow and heir...), and often in collaboration with her husband's uncle.
For more information on this and other books printed by Janssonius, see the List of books.
12023-03-01T12:45:55-08:00Sue Luftscheinc3da4f338cfb5c3d980919bd84c8fb083c380bd6Gallery of works printed by Sara Janssonius9Gallerygallery2023-03-08T10:28:00-08:00Sue Luftscheinc3da4f338cfb5c3d980919bd84c8fb083c380bd6