The Online Etymology Dictionary traces the use of the modern slang 'fly' in popular Western (primarily American) culture as either a reinvention or revival of the late 18th century slang for the same word, which indicated cleverness, or alertness. The word in recent times suggests an attractive or admirable countenance, especially when used in reference to people, and it is extensively used in popular modern music (typically the hip-hop genre).
The caption 'I'm pretty fly' on the shirt at Stylin Online is a clever play on words, referring to Superman's ability to fly, and equally referring to the 'attractiveness' of the wearer of the shirt. In a way Superman's image complements the caption as well; the character, composure and calm countenance with which his respective creators have endowed him suggest a measure of 'flyness', to put it in colloquial terms. If Superman's glorious image on this shirt does not pull a shopper in at first, this wondrously witty caption should do the trick.
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