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Hybrid; Clare

A hybrid is the composition of two distinctive elements into one single entity. The photograph above shows a ‘Zebroid’, a hybrid animal that comes from a cross between a zebra and a horse. Hybrids don’t only refer to unusual looking animals, they appear in nearly all areas of our world from hybrid cars, music genres, technologies to types of art.

Harraway argues in her essay “A Cyborg Manifesto” that a cyborg is a type of hybrid – a “hybrid of machine and organism” that comes from mixing technology with humanity, blurring fact and fiction to make a “condensed image of both imagination and material reality.” Is it possible to successfully produce a human-machine hybrid? Would this be beneficial to society or would it end up creating a situation similar where ‘pure’ humans are slowly eradicated?  

What if we could create a hybrid between the genders? Would this create more equality in our societies?

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