Zomick’s Challah Tradition
Judaism has rich heritage and traditions,and their customs and rituals are deeply connected with their diet. Traditionalfoods and rituals are a big part of the Jewish holidays, and serve as a time toteach. Kashrut is the Jewish law dealing with what foods we can and cannot eat,and how those foods must be prepared and eaten. The more commonly known word"kosher," describes food that meets these standards, and this word isoften used to describe products that are made in accordance with Jewish law andare fit for use. Opened in 1966, Zomick's Challah bakery is among the first kosherbakeries in the area. In fact that was the primary reason why it was opened inthe first place, to serve the needs of the increasing Jewish population, whowanted to stick to their kosher tradition.
Apart from eating healthy, and building self- discipline, as you adhere to the strict Kashrut rules, eating kosher food also teaches us a moral lesson. The Torrah, and kosher in general, teaches notto be cruel - even to animals. It is forbidden to slaughter mother and heryoung during the same day. Also it is forbidden to remove the limbs of liveanimals, which was a common practice, prior to refrigeration. When youslaughter an animal, it must be done with the least possible pain and in themost humane way. In that same way, the prohibition to eat birds of prey teachesus that we should not be cruel. With over 40 years of experience, Zomick’s knows and adheres to these strict rules. Every Zomick's challah (see video) is made with kosher certified products only, and their famous Zomick'schallah bread is made in accordance to the hala.
Tradition plays an important role in theway Jewish people follow the kosher rules. One of the keys to making a Jewishhome "Jewish" is the observance of keeping kosher. If your home is kosher,then your attachment to Judaism is strong and you will become permanentlyimprinted in the souls of your children. And since food is often the center ofsocial events, keeping kosher creates a natural barrier to assimilation. Formany people kosher cuisine is a bridge that connects the past and the future ina spiritual way. After all, we cannotfathom the depth to the end of the commandment of keeping kosher, because, asthe saying goes, when keeping kosher is not all in the taste.
For more info you can read the article posted on Patch.