This page was created by Patty Ahn. 

Why American election replies on social media followers?

Lab Assignment 1

This week's lab assignment is designed to be fairly low-impact, given that we are still in the first week of the quarter and you have more readings than usual assigned to you. It is comprised of two components:

1) Go to and start a Scalar account as soon as possible. Then send me the full name you used to register. I will add you to the course Scalar site once you do. 

2) Find one photographic record of a protest or direct action that has had a lasting impact on you. This will require you to do a combination of your own personal reflection and digging online. Briefly tell us about the context and circumstances surrounding the events captured in the image, and describe what emotionally compels you about it and why? What visual story does it communicate, and how does it do so? Keep your reflections between 750-1000 words. While this does not give you a great deal of space, try and be as detailed as you can.

Paste your image and response into a document (please use your first initial, last name, + "Lab1" as your file name), and then email the doc to me at by Wednesday, Jan 18 at noon.

Next week, you will learn how to create your own web pages on Scalar. 


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