This page was created by Patty Ahn. 

Why American election replies on social media followers?

Lab Assignment 2

Friday's J20 walkout on campus provides a rich opportunity to start putting into practice some of the analytical concepts advanced in Marcela Fuentes' essay "Performance, Politics, and Protest" and Roland Barthes' "The Photographic Message."

This week's lab assignment entails two components:

1) Either using a personal camera phone or a camera checked out from the Media Lab, capture 10-12 images of the protests taking place all-day on campus. Take note of the different kinds of strategic uses of bodily performance you observe, and then use your camera to the best of your ability to tell a narrative, or visually augment, some of those practices. 

Try your best to mix some of the framing strategies ("connotative processes") discussed in week 2–-i.e., selection, camera angle, camera distance (a.k.a., shot size). We will return to these aesthetic concepts, and explore other aspects of composition, next week. For now, just get your feet wet and explore.  

Here are quick guides for shot sizes (a.k.a., camera distance) and camera angles for your reference (apologies they're so hideous).

2) Select 3 images where you feel like you most successfully communicate a message, story and/or particular emotion of a moment and drop them into a Word document. Do your best to explain some of the aesthetic decisions you made and why. Also, describe any aspect of the experience you found particularly challenging, illuminating, engaging, and so forth. 

Please create a folder containing your images and document and label it as: "Your Name_Lab2." Then upload the entire folder to this Google Drive folder by Wednesday, Jan 25 at noon.
If you do not plan on attending Friday's walkout, or feel uncomfortable with this assignment in any way, contact me immediately and we will figure out an alternative:

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