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Why American election replies on social media followers?

Why American election replies on social media followers?

Social media is an essential part of our lives. It is used to perform any activity related to entertainment and business. People need to utilize social media due to several reasons. It benefits society at the individual and collective level of the country. It helps to perform functions of countries. These functions include development steps such as elections.

Role of social media in elections

Social media serves differently in the election. The level of interference of social media in elections depends on the country. Each country does not prefer social media in this critical matter. On the other hand, major developed countries focus on social media to facilitate their elections. In such developed countries, social media followers are turned into voters. They prefer the presence of users on social media. They rely on their media for this purpose. Moreover, it helps to select president through various strategies of equal participation of voters.

American elections and social media followers

America is one of the developed countries which focus on their success determinants. Social media is a major contributor to the performance of each function. Americans take help of social media in their public and government functions. They rely on media for their elections. Social media followers are preferred in the election. They are considered as voters to members of the election. Their vote and opinion matter for this purpose. This is due to the reason that social media is a key element which plays important role in any field. Recently, when there were elections to select president between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, more users went to social media to voice their opinion. Conversations were held on social media and advertisements were shown for this purpose. It means social media proffered followers for election.

Reasons of election replies on social media followers

Social media followers are preferred for the purpose of votes and opinions. Users vote and give an opinion in favor of their favorite member on social media. American elections prefer their social media followers due to several reasons. Some of these reasons are:

Majority of population using social media

American election replies to more social media followers because the majority of the population uses social media. Followers of the member in election use various social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. They give their opinion and votes to the member they think is important to sustain their country. Therefore, election commission of America prefers social media followers for the purpose of votes. They turn these buy real active Instagram followers from and then turn them into votes.

Reputation of members based on follower’s opinion

Election parties respond to social media followers because they can identify their reputation. Image of parties is in the hands of the public which can be destroyed by bad tweets. To avoid bad tweets, parties have to respond by taking actions in favor of the public.
Therefore, social media followers are considered important for election purpose. Election involves the appointment of the new president which needs public attention. Public attention can better be judged through social media posts by followers. Followers can give their opinion on social media.