This page was created by Patty Ahn. 

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Lab Assignment 3

This lab assignment involves several steps, and is designed with three goals in mind: (1) get to know another person from class a bit better; (2) get a sense of what it feels like to interview and be interviewed by someone you don't know very well; (3) get a bit more comfortable with using the DSLR camera and begin exploring its capacity as a non-textual storytelling/representational/writing tool.

First, find a time to meet with your lab partner from week 3 and conduct a brief interview with them (no more than 20-25 mins). In addition to getting to know a classmate person better, the goal is to practice active listening and see what kinds of stories your interviewee has to share with you. As the interviewer, think about what you might want to know about the other person, and how to construct questions that are pointed enough to draw out those answers, yet capacious enough to elicit perhaps an unexpected response. Before beginning the interview, establish with your interviewee if there are certain kinds of questions that they would prefer not to be asked, and then please respect those boundaries. Or you may establish some additional protocols trust-building with your interviewee. If your interviewee wants to stop the interview at any point, please honor that request. 
Second, capture 4-5 images that in some way captures some of the stories, ideas and feelings that your interviewee shared with you. It would be great if some of your images included your interviewee in the frame, but please do also include a mix other kinds of images that also capture some dimensions about the other person that compelled you (i.e., objects, landscapes, etc.). If your classmate is not comfortable with being photographed, feel free to find another imaginative way to represent them – perhaps only through landscapes or objects of importance to them.

Some notes about camera settings: If you're shooting outside on a sunny day, please set your ISO to 400. Then set your camera to "Aperture Priority" mode by moving the camera mode dial on the top left of the camera to "Av". Then you can just play around with different settings on the F-stop ring on your lens and the camera will guess the other settings for you. 

If this portion of the assignment feels too overwhelming, do not fret. I will make time in class for you to go out and capture some images with your classmate from last week. 

Third, please offer some general reflections upon your experiences as the interviewer and interviewee. Did you find any particular aspects of it challenging, exhilarating, disengaging? If you were to interview your classmate again, how would you do it differently? As the interviewee, would you have wanted the interview to have been conducted differently in any way? 

In terms of what you should be submitting for this lab assignment:

You only need to submit a brief write-up for step 3 above (2 pp, double-spaced). 

If you do capture images of your interviewee, you do not need to upload them. However, please be sure to copy them over to your computer or external HD and ask your classmate if they would be okay with you sharing images with the rest of the class.

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