Truth, Reconciliation, and Food

Klimisha's Bio

I am a first-year student at Hamline University who enjoys reading manga, watching anime and cooking. When asked what kind of change I want to make in the world, my answer is that I want to abate the racial prejudices between individuals in the African American community first before I attempt to address the racial biases surrounding other ethnic communities. I believe that starting small and slowly working my way out is the best approach to realizing my aspiration because I sincerely agree with Dolores Huerta’s ideology that change starts with self-love. If one cannot first love and respect themselves then how can they effectively represent and fight for people who struggle with the same trials and tribulations as them.
First and foremost, the endless support and love from my family through the years is still to this day a cherished experience that has helped shaped me into the person I am now. Another experience that majorly influenced who I am today was in third grade, when one of my female classmates would periodically avoid physical contact with me. During morning meetings when we had to greet our classmates, she would purposely pull her sleeve over her hand before shaking my hand specifically. On rare occasions when we were paired together for coloring time she would behave as if she didn’t want to touch the markers I had previously used. I had told my teacher about my classmate’s behavior on multiple occasions and she had tried to resolve the issue, but it did not work. After dealing with my classmate’s physical avoidance for about half a month I remember bursting into tears in class because it hurt to be snubbed constantly. When I got home later that day, I explained to my mom how my classmate had been behaving towards and she was livid. However, after calming down my mom told me that not everybody was deserving of my time and that it was my female classmate’s loss to not get to know me. She made sure that I knew that I was beautiful, that black was beautiful and to never let anyone make me believe otherwise. My female classmate continued to display the same behavior towards me up until she transferred out of my elementary school in fourth grade, but I didn't care. If she chose not to like me that was her problem because at the end of the day, I love who I am.


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