Travel And The Cultural Gardens

Chapter 5: Cultural Gardens And Marketing and How they Relate

Gardens are a means by which the viewer influences the display of culture in a way that reaches even the  least nature loving people as when you see these displays you are seeing the best a culture has to offer. These Experiences are made to encourage travel they are cultivated to inspire everyone to see all that a culture has to offer. You Become the Supply to the Demand of experience, this is what they are designed for cultivation leading to peoples desire to travel. To fuel the desire to see the places that these beautiful natural displays come from and to spread information about the great and natural wonders around the world.

Cultivated Experiences that is what botanical Gardens are a glimpse into a part of the world tailored to inspire but ulitmately limited in its approach. It Is this that truly embodies the Idea of Cultural Marketing taking a piece of culture and harboring it and ensuring that people will go out for the authentic experience from the real culture to see the meaning behind each flower or tree and what it may symbolize to them instead of just viewing it itself.


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