Travel And The Cultural Gardens

Chapter 2: The Botanical Gardens

Botanical gardens are a way in which we as people view the beauty of the world around us in a windowed view which I think is best seen in a picture captured by Jeffery Greenberg seen here. [Over Head Shot Of the Garden Walk way]

This Image Represents exactly the point I am trying to get across in my proposal, these tourist/ viewers are here in the gardens they are examining and enjoy the space that they are in, this is because the display is authentic to the culture and its heritage the plants are well kept as iff one stumbled into a serene section of that countries natural surroundings yet it give the viewer a sense of security it is removed from the dangers of nature outside. They are able to freely enjoy a taste of what would otherwise be few and far between beauty of nature. While nature is to be admired in its natural habitat this easily accessible cultivated look make the exposure of these countries and what they offer much more prevalent.


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