Travel And The Cultural Gardens

Chapter 1-2: The Marketing

People are in high demand at venues as they illuminate what qualities are being observed in the attraction of culture. Every item that is curated or replicated in order to bring a sense of coherency to the display as the cultures representation must follow the conceived image of their society. We market the gardens in a way that reflect the natural beauty of the country being promoted, using the most amazing of foliages and flowers.

This is too entice the viewer and draw them in, it is the act of cultural marketing it both teaches and conveys what the venue is designed for. They show off a cultivated and sometimes limited scope of the natural surroundings of a country with out showing the negative. They dont show the parts of nature that arent useful in convey whats good about a country, like the weeds, and thorns that grow among them limiting the viewers scope of what goes on in those part of the world. But this sometimes work to there favour as it can often influence people to seek out the country of origin and see what these natural beauties look like in its perfectly natural enviroment where it has flourished in relation to the nature around it.  
(Deepak, Chpt. 4)


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