Travel And The Cultural Gardens

Chapter 3: Natural Gardens

We have seen that many gardens take on the idea of being used in an informational way that benifits the growth of society. they tailor the experience to the viewer to encourage the travel to these locations. But there are locations and Gardens that are designed to preserve and harbor the natural setting that would have been lost other wise like Limahuli Garden in Hawaii.

An Academic journal addressing a natural and well kept garden location in Hawaii known as Limahuli Garden. It has been tended to and cultivated for several generations in order to maintain its natural beauty, this idea of cultivating a location to bring out its beauty as a form of natural display also lines up with the ideas of heritage tourism. Over generations they have tended lovingly to the land ensuring that it is pristine and beautiful a representation of foreign and well kempt beauty and neatly kept for all to see. The difference here being instead of tailoring the display to most accurately match the culture being displayed the culture cultivates the location to bring out all that is accounted as good from their surroundings.

“While you can find many gardens to visit in Hawaii, Limahuli truly is a special place filled not only with great views of mountains, sea and plants that dazzle the eye, but also the history and future of biodiversity in Hawaii.” (Paradise Kept 37)

This is the balance of Nature and cultivation at its finest both representing the culture and their passion yet also not detracking from the experience of seeing its original home, it exists in a state that allows the viewer to more fully grasp the cultural significance of the nature surrounding them. [Horticulture, Tammie Painter]

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