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The Whittier Mosque

Irfana Hashmi, Sonia Chaidez, Amber Rosas, Laura Van Druten, Jarrett Wright, Sayal Shahi, Julie Mauk, Amer Rashid, Ryan Tessman, Anne Cong-Huyen, Ahmad Al Bunnia, Authors

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Ryan Tessman

I was born and raised in Saint Paul, Minnesota.  I developed my superpowers at the age of four when I watched an episode of MacGyver while eating radioactive taco pizza.  My super powers include: the ability to always accurately judge the length of time an item needs to heat up in a microwave, jump up to 4 inches off of the ground and give solid high fives.  I have 3 pet dinosaurs and 4 unicorns.  My grandma was General George Washington.  My religion is pastafarian.  Who do you think would win in a fight; Stephen Colbert, Robert Downey Jr or Terrance Howard?  I think it would be a close fight personally.
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