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The Whittier Mosque

Irfana Hashmi, Sonia Chaidez, Amber Rosas, Laura Van Druten, Jarrett Wright, Sayal Shahi, Julie Mauk, Amer Rashid, Ryan Tessman, Anne Cong-Huyen, Ahmad Al Bunnia, Authors

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team exterior #5

Our mosque will also incorporate pillars outside to support structures and provide decoration as they hold up arches and other designs.  We are going to have pillars that have a hexagonal base (pillars #2) which widens slightly at the top in a Corinthian style.  These arches will be very plain and unadorned by ornate designs of fancy colors that might overwhelm the building: pillars #2.  Instead these pillars will be painted a neutral color to match the rest of the building's exterior with only decorative calligraphy and a small band of gold at the bottom. These pillars will tie together our modern style and add variety.

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