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The Whittier Mosque

Irfana Hashmi, Sonia Chaidez, Amber Rosas, Laura Van Druten, Jarrett Wright, Sayal Shahi, Julie Mauk, Amer Rashid, Ryan Tessman, Anne Cong-Huyen, Ahmad Al Bunnia, Authors

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team exterior #4

Our mosque will have a minaret to pay tribute to the Grand Mosque, but like every other component of our build we have modernized and minimized the style. Our mosque will only include one ultra-modern, sleek minaret, very dissimilar to the grandiose Ottoman style minarets of the Grand Mosque.  Our minaret will be a long spiraling cone in the "snail shell" style atop a tall narrow obelisk like this cool mosque, ideas for simplistic minaret.  The minaret will a structure built of smoothed out blocks of tan blocks and glass tiles of different shades (minaret #2) to make a unique modern and welcoming symbol into the sky.  The top of the minaret will have only a small spire with no decorative crescent moon or flags to keep in the style of modernity.
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