The Allan Hancock Foundation Archive

Allan Hancock's ships

An avid sailor, Allan Hancock owned and operated a number of marine vessels.  Beginning with the Cricket, Hancock upgraded to 3 Veleros (Velero I, II and III), as well as another strictly pleasure yacht, the Oaxaca.  The Velero I was built as a pleasure yacht; the and Velero II was built as a pleasure yacht that was retrofitted for scientific expeditions; and the Velero III was designed with both pleasure and science in mind. In 1948, Hancock gifted to the Foundation its first true research vessel, the Velero IV.

The Velero I was only used as a pleasure boat, and the Velero II was only used in the earliest of the Galapagos expeditions. Designed as a luxury yacht, it contained well appointed staterooms, attention to detail in its furnishings, and lavish decoration.

The Velero III was built as a combination of pleasure yacht and research vessel. It included well appointed common rooms, but was also built with more sophisticated specimen collecting in mind. It served as the Foundation's research vessel for the bulk of the 1930s, and was donated to the military during World War II. 

The Velero IV, designed as a research vessel, was in use from July of 1948 through June 1985. 

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