
Arriaza's Journal Entry on interfaces

As someone who has never really given much thought to the categories that seem to rule our world, gender, age, race, etc. I felt a little too comfortable with completely getting rid of them. I really had a good time with this exercise. I thought about just one thing holds true with presenting a false world of matches, and that was simply, that money, in whatever form we have it in, reigns supreme. Aside from that, taking away the choice of sexual preference, racial preference, etc makes a lot of sense.

I am still really on the fence about having a separate identity online. On the one hand, I feel that whatever you say or do, is still you, just maybe a more cynical, grouchy you, or a more open and kind you, but it's still you. But on the other hand I don't see how a person can say that an online persona is the true them, when in the real world they don't or won't act that way. 

I'm just not sure about the idea of trying on different hats. It doesn't make sense to me. You can be whoever you want on the internet because of the anonymity or suedonimity of the website you are on. If you were on Twitter however, and you have a large following, like celebrities, you really couldn't have the freedom to try on new hats. Also, I do believe that you must act professional in professional environments and you can be more relaxed at home, but I think that no matter where I am, I am always myself. Maybe I hold in a comment here or there, but my reactions are generally the same everywhere. I am kind everywhere. I analyze everywhere. I play devil's advocate everywhere. That is who I am. I don't think changing where I am changes those things. Even if I am an avatar on 2nd life.

Devin Arriaza

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