
To Meme, or not to Meme...

I like memes. It was fun creating a meme from scratch. It was not fun altering someone else's meme. I didn't like that at all. I had to google the images to find the blank one, and the website we were given didn't erase someone else's text in a meme. I was frustrated. Also, I didn't like that I had to wait for everyone else to post their meme so I could alter them. I still have one to go and I have a million things I have to do today, so who knows if it will get done. 

I like that in Meme's you can just say stupid things, or witty things, or you can use your meme to get your political agenda across. I think in our exercise I tried to stay political and religiously neutral. I didn't want to offend anyone in the class. Although, if this were a meme that I was just going to publish anonymously, I think I'd have more freedom. I hate that about anonymity by the way. I can't stand when people say things thinking they have no consequences. That's when people get ugly. What I am unsure of, is could text only be a meme? Does it have to have a familiar picture? According to the text we read, that is one of the factors, but I think a familiar quote slightly altered would have the same effect as a meme with a picture. I couldn't understand the repetition requirement until I kept seeing these cats with "haz". What does "haz" mean anyway?  

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