Before reading the required texts for today, I just assumed that everyone knew the value of a good graph. It makes data understandable, it gives the page appeal, it allows for reference while reading the text, and there are other great reasons to having graphs. Then I read the passages for today and I realize, that graphs are at the bottom of the barrel in terms of a good visualization of information. One of the passages has tainted my opinion of graphs, detailing how a graph is static and other forms of visualization can be interactive, and allow for information and questioning. Having read that sometimes you can run across data so large, that it is nearly impossible to compare without a graph, having a graph seems like common sense. Humanities scholars can find information easily and quickly. They can either know when to continue down a path or stop when one doesn't seem fruitful. Then thinking about deep reading of a text, wouldn't it be nice as a scholar to go on and read something amazing that didn't take too long and allowed you to make your own references and opinions using the drawings or figures on the page as well as the text?
So, here I am, thinking about the kinds of visuals I plan to use in my project, and I am left lacking. After graphs, then what? I could go to Wordle like another text suggests. We even discussed Wordle in our class. But I don't think that Wordle will get my point across adequately. I thought about using a compilation of pictures that symbolize my project, and again I am left wondering if my audience will get the same things I do out of them. I probably will use a static set of figures (data charts). But I want something powerful.
While I am not sure what I will be using for my project, I do think that visuals are essential, and so is the text to go behind it. I don't think that any good visual should be left by itself. The author needs to back up the visual with some sort of explanation. I think that sometimes we humans think that other people will know what we are thinking and in reality, people have thousands of ways to interpret an image, and more importantly, the significance of an image on a particular page.