Teaching and Learning for Social Impact

Pedagogies to Frame Your Teaching

“[…] education as the practice of freedom [or] education that merely strives to reinforce domination.” – bell hooks, Teaching to Transgress, 1994, p. 4.

What do these pedagogies share?What will these pedagogies help you do?What do these pedagogies create?Caution: Employing these pedagogies may cause discomfort, excitement, liberation, and destabilization. But if we want to have a different world, then we have to be willing to take risks, be brave, and engage in critical conversations.

Questions to consider when thinking through pedagogy

1. How do I want the students to learn?
2. How do I want to grow as a teacher?
3. How am I creating the right environment so that it is truly safe to fail?
4. Have we included all the voices and identities necessary into the room to receive feedback?

Further Reading

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