Beyond the Boundaries of Fantasia: An ancient imagining of the future of leadership

Money Talks Step Two Exercise


Using the slideshow/thumbnails of the Augustan coins on this page write on the following questions (they are labeled according to date and unit of currency):

1. What pose is Augustus in (standing, sitting)? Can you tell what he's doing? How is he dressed?

2. What can you learn about Augustus from his face? How old does he look? Can you identify any special facial features or hairstyle?

3. What other attributes does he have? For example, what is he holding?

4. Can you make out any of the words on the coin? What do you think they say?

5. And how does the pose Augustus is in fit in with what was going on in Rome/Augustus career at the time (see this timeline for reference)?

6. Can you identify any other figures on the coin? Are they male or female? Divine or human?

7. What other decoration can you identify on the coin? How would you characterize it?

8. What sort of image of Augustus as a leader emerges from this investigation of his coins?

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