Whistle Blowing is an Act of Political Resistance


To conclude, one of the most important purposes of a manifesto is to promote a new idea with notions for carrying out the change. With all the political activity that has been going on recently in the United States with the election of Donald Trump as president, it seems that the intentions originally set for creating a manifesto has changed. The political world has shifted the purpose of the manifesto (for the most part) and has turned it into a tool to lure in more people that would potentially vote for them. Edward Snowden, on the other hand, has demonstrated that manifestos are still effective if used properly. 

Snowden is either called a hero/patriot or a traitor. The question remains; If he's a traitor, who exactly did he betray? His sacrificed his entire life to inform the public in regards to the governments activity in their personal lives. Snowden shows the irony of how it is illegal to expose when the government is doing illegal things. As well, he stresses that you shouldn't change your behaviour just because a government agency somewhere in the world is doing the wrong thing. He did what he did to give the American people a change to decide for themselves as autonomous individuals the kind of government they want to have run their country. 

Citizenship does not mean having just a phsyical passport; alas, it means you must be an active member of your society and be politically aware of what is happening. By releasing these documents, Snowden has given a new meaning to citizenship and has opened the eyes of citizens all over the world and is slowly making them realize that the state of their government is in their hands as long as they get up and ask questions, get to know who's running, and eventually vote. 

"Speak Not Because it is Safe, but Because it is Right" - Edward Snowden 

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