Whistle Blowing is an Act of Political Resistance

Edward Snowden Continued ...

John Oliver, the host of HBO's "Last Week Tonight", is a brilliant host which brings to light issues both locally and globally ( In that need more attention. In 2015, John Oliver flew to Moscow, Russia to sit down and have an interview with Edward Snowden (who has been granted asylum in Russia until August 2017 thus far). Before meeting with Snowden, Oliver highlights the lack of concern by the American people by going out onto the streets and asking everyday folks who 'Edward Snowden' is. The results were shocking to both Oliver and Snowden. Oliver wishes to bring to light exactly who Edward Snowden is and what he did. 
In the Interview, Edward Snowden mentions that he leaked the documents and did what he did to given the American people the freedom and chance to decide what kid of government they want for themselves. As well, he reveals that he no longer is the holder of all these files (all of which he has read) but that he has given the documents to journalists and trusts that when they deem suitable and necessary to release them then they shall do just that. 

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