Whistle Blowing is an Act of Political Resistance

Edward Snowden

Edward Snowden was born into a family who has dedicated their whole lives for their country, all being employed by the federal government of the United States of America . An American citizen born in 1983 in North Carolina, Snowden spent 5 months in the army before breaking both his legs and being discharged as a result. He wanted to fight in Afghanistan because he thought that people that live in oppression must be freed and that it was his obligation as a human being to do what he can to help free the oppressed (Gaskell, 2013). Snowden accepted a job at the CIA in 2006 after applying during a job fair. In 2009, Snowden began working for Dell working in the NSA department with managing computer systems for a variety of government agencies(Gaskell, 2013). In 2012, he was reassigned by Dell to go to Hawaii. Alas, on May 20, 2013, Snowden flew from Hawaii to Hong Kong, thus began his journey as a whistleblower. 

The video below displays a simple yet perfect summary of Edward Snowden's timeline from the moment he admitted to leaking the documents on June 9th 2013 up until February of 2015. 


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