May Song
I discovered "May Song" in I book I purchased for my research: the 1895/1898 Abridged Academy Song-Book as collected by Charles H. Levermore for the Adelphi Academy in Brooklyn, N.Y. In it, he collects "some of the best songs of the great English schools, particularly of Eton and Harrow, and also many of the better songs of our own colleges" (v). "May Song" is found in the "Familiar Songs" section, though it was not familiar to me even as a scholar. But it is a delightful recounting of the turn of season and celebrating spring, as in the Chorus: "Happy May, blithesome May! Winter's reign has passed away!" It is a helpful, perhaps sad, look-back at when the seasons actually changed 100 years ago, at least in England or NY, for in the 21st century, "winter's reign" is well passed by March.
I include it in our Folksong section since the tune is a "Polish air." Using dotted-eighth and sixteenth-note rhythms, it is an infectious tune, and you will hear the children's choir especially loud and engaged in the chorus!