Sounding Childhood

About the Author

Alisa Clapp-Itnyre received her Ph.D. in English from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign in 1996. She is now Professor of English at Indiana University East, Richmond, Indiana where she teaches Children's Literature, Young-Adult Literature, and Victorian literature, among others. There, she helped establish (2005) and was Director of the Honors Program (2010-18). Her scholarship explores interdisciplinary music-literature connections in Victorian culture, as well as childhood culture and music of the 19th century.

She is author of Angelic Airs, Subversive Songs: Music as Social Discourse in the Victorian Novel (Ohio UP, 2002) and co-editor, with Julie Melnyk, of "Perplext by Faith:" Essays on Victorian Beliefs and Doubts (Cambridge Scholars, 2015).  
She has also published in Victorian Poetry, Victorian Literature and Culture, Victorians Institute Journal, Children’s Literature Association Quarterly, and Children’s Literature and Education, among others.

A third book, published in 2016 for Ashgate’s Studies in Childhood Series: 1700-Present series, is titled British Hymn Books for Children, 1800-1900: Re-Tuning the History of Childhood. Children's hymns studied in this book are featured on this web site.

Her current project is an exploration of children’s diaries of the Victorian and Edwardian English-speaking world, based on research of 100+ children's diaries from major archives in the U.K., U.S., Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

She has directed seven plays with Richmond Civic Theatre's Stage One Youth Theatre, served on the Board of the Boys and Girls Club of Wayne County, serves on the Events Advisory Board of the Reid Center, the Richmond Shakespeare Festival Board, and the Administrative Council of Central United Methodist Church, Richmond, IN.


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