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Warr'd on by Cranes

Luxon, Thomas H., ed. The Milton Reading Room,, October, 2014.

In Iliad 3. 1-5, Homer compares the cries of the Trojans to the sound made by cranes in their annual rush to the sea, when they slaughter pygmies in their path.
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Related:  New rub'd with BaumSwarm'd and were straitn'd; till the Signal giv'n.Bullioncruel his eyefretted GoldMulciberStands on the blasted HeathAs when the SunWas not ingloriouspuissantSelf-rais'd, and repossesssome belated Peasanthardening in this strength gloriescustomehis Regal State [ 640 ] Put forth at fullconsiderate Pride Waiting revengeBelus or SerapisHurling defiancePandæmoniumintrenchtBegirtthey relateremorseBrigadHath scath'd the Forrest OaksSits Arbitressbossy SculpturesArmoricauxiliarto have thir lot in painAll her Original brightnessThir Glory witherdwho overcomes By forceMemphianWhich tempted our attemptassaydWords interwoveEternal Splendors flung [ 610 ] For his revoltribs of GoldMyriadsThir visagespresagingPionersPerplexes Monarchsdim Eclipstestifiesfor his faultAlcairoPigmean RaceSat on his faded cheekThat in his womb was hid metallic OreBaptiz'd or InfidelStood like a TowrDoricAusonianUthersth' eventAspramontSovranHorizontal misty AirHateful to utterSeraphic Lords and CherubimDamasco, or Marocco, or Trebisond,In shape and gesture proudly eminentabout the Hive [ 770 ] In clustersCould merit morethir stately growthThitherrepulsein Bondage, nor th' Abyss Long under darkness coverFontarabbiaHe spakeupheld by old reputeMonuments of FamefamePeerageBrusht with the hiss of russling wingsscurffveins of liquid fireimbodiedand what resoundsor RomanceRifl'd the bowels of thir motherMonarch in Heav'nPaynimBrowesTears such as Angels weepThe fellows of his crime, the followers ratherimpiousattention held them muteShorn of his Beamswhen Ægypt with Assyria strovethese beyond Compare of mortal prowessNaphthaawfulbut half his foeguileconclaveMammonPhlegraBabelbut what power of minddownward bentDeep scars of Thunder hadBabilonHow such united force of Gods, how suchTheb'swing'd with speedCressetsamerc'tFrom wing to wing, and half enclose him roundOf dauntless couragegrieslyThen that small infantry warr'd on by CranesDistends with prideSpace may produce new WorldsBisertaHeav'ns pavement, trod'n GoldbeatificCherubimIliumshall fail to re-ascendWhen CharlemainAs when Heavens Fire