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Scalar Milton

Evan Thomas, Milton Group8, Milton Group7, Milton Group6, Milton Group5, Milton Group4, Milton Group3, Milton Group2, Milton Group1, Milton Group9, Authors

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Hume, Patrick. Annotations on Milton's Paradise Lost London: Printed for Jacob Tonson ..., 1695. Print.

One of the most famous Cities of the ancient World, Renowned both in Sacred and Profane Story, the Capital of the Assyrian Empire; Semiramis encompass'd it with Walls of Brick, said to be 100 Cubits high, broad enough for two Chariots to pass, and containing 48 English Miles in Circuit, so that it might well be accounted one of the Worlds Seven Wonders
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Related:  considerate Pride Waiting revengeRifl'd the bowels of thir motherThat in his womb was hid metallic OreDistends with prideDamasco, or Marocco, or Trebisond,Monarch in Heav'nMyriadsHath scath'd the Forrest OaksStood like a TowrHe spakeThe fellows of his crime, the followers rathershall fail to re-ascendbossy SculpturesimbodiedBisertacustomeand what resoundsth' eventCould merit moreSovranAspramontauxiliarsome belated Peasantor Romanceupheld by old reputeHorizontal misty Aircruel his eyePhlegraconclaveBabelAll her Original brightnessBullionPerplexes Monarchswhen Ægypt with Assyria stroveSat on his faded cheekMammonBegirtOf dauntless courageEternal Splendors flung [ 610 ] For his revoltpuissantNew rub'd with BaumDoricwho overcomes By forcepresagingthey relateWas not ingloriousPandæmoniumgrieslyfretted Goldbut half his foehardening in this strength gloriesWords interwoveWarr'd on by CranesSelf-rais'd, and repossessWhen CharlemainPaynimTheb'simpiousfameribs of Goldabout the Hive [ 770 ] In clusterstestifiesUthersMemphianNaphthaamerc'tShorn of his BeamsSwarm'd and were straitn'd; till the Signal giv'n.BrowesTears such as Angels weepHurling defiancefor his faultrepulsethir stately growthhis Regal State [ 640 ] Put forth at fullWhich tempted our attemptIliumMonuments of FameMulciberSits Arbitressremorsewing'd with speedin Bondage, nor th' Abyss Long under darkness coverPionersintrenchtAs when the SunAusonianThen that small infantry warr'd on by CranesHow such united force of Gods, how suchBaptiz'd or InfidelawfulIn shape and gesture proudly eminentBrigadassaydAs when Heavens FireFontarabbiabeatificAlcairoBrusht with the hiss of russling wingsHeav'ns pavement, trod'n GoldCherubimto have thir lot in paindownward bentPeerageBelus or SerapisThir visagesSpace may produce new WorldsSeraphic Lords and CherubimPigmean RaceFrom wing to wing, and half enclose him roundbut what power of mindHateful to utterArmoricdim Eclipsveins of liquid fireCressetsStands on the blasted Heathguileattention held them mutethese beyond Compare of mortal prowessThir Glory witherdscurffThitherDeep scars of Thunder had