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Scalar Milton

Evan Thomas, Milton Group8, Milton Group7, Milton Group6, Milton Group5, Milton Group4, Milton Group3, Milton Group2, Milton Group1, Milton Group9, Authors

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In shape and gesture proudly eminent

Hume, Patrick. Annotations on Milton's Paradise Lost London: Printed for Jacob Tonson ..., 1695. Print.

He in Carriage and Behaviour high exalted above the rest.
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Related:  scurffremorseintrenchtguileSovransome belated PeasantWhen Charlemainabout the Hive [ 770 ] In clustersDamasco, or Marocco, or Trebisond,DoricDeep scars of Thunder hadcustomeFontarabbiawing'd with speedSpace may produce new Worldsfameupheld by old reputeribs of GoldBullionPeerageWords interwoveBelus or SerapisHorizontal misty AirMammonThe fellows of his crime, the followers ratherMemphianrepulsein Bondage, nor th' Abyss Long under darkness coverMonarch in Heav'nShorn of his BeamsPigmean Raceth' eventHurling defiancethese beyond Compare of mortal prowessassaydBabelPandæmoniumSat on his faded cheekhis Regal State [ 640 ] Put forth at fulldim Eclipsbut what power of mindto have thir lot in painSits ArbitressMonuments of Famewho overcomes By forcePhlegrafretted GoldStands on the blasted HeathAs when the SunimpiousNew rub'd with BaumconclaveStood like a Towrhardening in this strength gloriesTears such as Angels weepbut half his foeThat in his womb was hid metallic OrePerplexes MonarchsBisertadownward bentHath scath'd the Forrest OaksSeraphic Lords and CherubimHeav'ns pavement, trod'n Goldshall fail to re-ascendEternal Splendors flung [ 610 ] For his revoltfor his faultBrowesimbodiedArmoricbossy SculpturesThen that small infantry warr'd on by CranesThir Glory witherdBrigadBrusht with the hiss of russling wingsSwarm'd and were straitn'd; till the Signal giv'n.MulciberCherubimCressetsbeatificHe spakeauxiliarIliumpresagingtestifiesconsiderate Pride Waiting revengeFrom wing to wing, and half enclose him roundHow such united force of Gods, how suchMyriadsUthersRifl'd the bowels of thir motherAspramontBegirtThitherwhen Ægypt with Assyria strovethey relateattention held them muteAs when Heavens FireBaptiz'd or InfidelDistends with prideveins of liquid fireor RomanceAusonianWhich tempted our attemptNaphthapuissantawfulWas not ingloriousSelf-rais'd, and repossessand what resoundscruel his eyegrieslyCould merit morethir stately growthamerc'tThir visagesPaynimAll her Original brightnessHateful to utterBabilonTheb'sOf dauntless courageAlcairoPionersWarr'd on by Cranes