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Evan Thomas, Milton Group8, Milton Group7, Milton Group6, Milton Group5, Milton Group4, Milton Group3, Milton Group2, Milton Group1, Milton Group9, Authors

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Luxon, Thomas H., ed. The Milton Reading Room,, October, 2014.

Pioneers, trench-diggers.
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Related:  AusonianCherubimSwarm'd and were straitn'd; till the Signal giv'n.As when the SunBegirtTheb'sMonuments of FameMulciberSits Arbitresssome belated Peasantwing'd with speedCould merit moreconclavePandæmoniumtestifiesPerplexes MonarchsIn shape and gesture proudly eminentHateful to utterEternal Splendors flung [ 610 ] For his revoltHath scath'd the Forrest OaksFrom wing to wing, and half enclose him roundThitherShorn of his BeamsHurling defianceconsiderate Pride Waiting revengeWhen CharlemainBisertaArmoricBrigadHorizontal misty Airin Bondage, nor th' Abyss Long under darkness coverIliumRifl'd the bowels of thir motherHe spaketo have thir lot in painauxiliarAspramontBrusht with the hiss of russling wingsOf dauntless couragewhen Ægypt with Assyria stroveguileMyriadsthese beyond Compare of mortal prowessPigmean RaceThir visagesDoricveins of liquid fireribs of GoldSpace may produce new WorldsDistends with prideamerc'tor Romancebossy SculpturespuissantawfulPhlegraBabelhardening in this strength gloriesAlcairoWhich tempted our attemptBelus or SerapisHeav'ns pavement, trod'n GoldWarr'd on by CranesfameTears such as Angels weepSeraphic Lords and CherubimMammonscurffattention held them muteSelf-rais'd, and repossessintrenchtBrowesPeerageMemphianThe fellows of his crime, the followers ratherPaynimfor his faultSovranBabilonimpiousbeatificMonarch in Heav'nDeep scars of Thunder hadupheld by old reputebut what power of mindassaydWas not ingloriousDamasco, or Marocco, or Trebisond,That in his womb was hid metallic OreStood like a Towrfretted Goldremorsehis Regal State [ 640 ] Put forth at fullBulliongrieslyThen that small infantry warr'd on by Cranesdim EclipsCressetsAll her Original brightnessWords interwoveThir Glory witherdSat on his faded cheekbut half his foeshall fail to re-ascendpresagingthey relateBaptiz'd or Infidelrepulseimbodiedabout the Hive [ 770 ] In clustersth' eventNew rub'd with BaumStands on the blasted Heathcruel his eyeAs when Heavens FireUtherswho overcomes By forceand what resoundsthir stately growthNaphthaFontarabbiacustomedownward bentHow such united force of Gods, how such