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Scalar Milton

Evan Thomas, Milton Group8, Milton Group7, Milton Group6, Milton Group5, Milton Group4, Milton Group3, Milton Group2, Milton Group1, Milton Group9, Authors

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Eternal Splendors flung [ 610 ] For his revolt

Hume, Patrick. Annotations on Milton's Paradise Lost London: Printed for Jacob Tonson ..., 1695. Print.

Thrown out from Heavens Everlasting Light for his Rebellion
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Related:  NaphthaStands on the blasted Heathhis Regal State [ 640 ] Put forth at fullbut what power of mindIn shape and gesture proudly eminentamerc'tMulciberawfulremorseMyriadsin Bondage, nor th' Abyss Long under darkness coverArmoricDoricSeraphic Lords and CherubimBabelfameBegirtHow such united force of Gods, how suchBisertaNew rub'd with Baumdim Eclipspuissantbut half his foeguileMonuments of Famepresagingwhen Ægypt with Assyria stroveBrowesAusonianauxiliarDeep scars of Thunder hadPeerageshall fail to re-ascendfretted GoldWarr'd on by CranesSelf-rais'd, and repossessIliumMonarch in Heav'nStood like a TowrShorn of his BeamsUthersDistends with prideintrenchtthey relatewho overcomes By forcebossy SculpturesWords interwoveWhich tempted our attemptTears such as Angels weepWas not ingloriousimpiousfor his faultscurffHurling defiancePigmean RaceDamasco, or Marocco, or Trebisond,All her Original brightnessconclavethir stately growthimbodiedgrieslyPhlegraupheld by old reputeMemphianribs of Goldassaydveins of liquid fireRifl'd the bowels of thir motherbeatificdownward benttestifiesSpace may produce new Worldsand what resoundsThithercustomeconsiderate Pride Waiting revengeHateful to utterBrigadThe fellows of his crime, the followers ratherAs when Heavens FireAlcairoSovranth' eventHorizontal misty AirSat on his faded cheekBullionThen that small infantry warr'd on by CranesrepulseFrom wing to wing, and half enclose him roundPionersor RomancePandæmoniumthese beyond Compare of mortal prowessThat in his womb was hid metallic Orewing'd with speedOf dauntless courageBabilonAspramontto have thir lot in painCherubimcruel his eyeBrusht with the hiss of russling wingsThir visagesCressetsWhen CharlemainHeav'ns pavement, trod'n GoldPerplexes MonarchsHe spakeSits ArbitressFontarabbiaAs when the SunMammonBelus or SerapisCould merit moreSwarm'd and were straitn'd; till the Signal giv'n.Baptiz'd or InfidelPaynimTheb'sabout the Hive [ 770 ] In clustershardening in this strength gloriessome belated PeasantThir Glory witherdHath scath'd the Forrest Oaksattention held them mute