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Evan Thomas, Milton Group8, Milton Group7, Milton Group6, Milton Group5, Milton Group4, Milton Group3, Milton Group2, Milton Group1, Milton Group9, Authors

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Luxon, Thomas H., ed. The Milton Reading Room,, October, 2014.

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Related:  BrowesTheb'sthir stately growthintrenchtSpace may produce new WorldsBrigadSat on his faded cheekSelf-rais'd, and repossessHorizontal misty AirCressetsBaptiz'd or InfidelBrusht with the hiss of russling wingsfretted GoldCherubimgrieslyabout the Hive [ 770 ] In clustersPionersHe spakeThir visagesMonuments of Fameto have thir lot in painStands on the blasted Heathsome belated PeasantFontarabbiafameMyriadsMammonshall fail to re-ascendAusonianpuissantAs when Heavens FirePerplexes MonarchsPandæmoniumThen that small infantry warr'd on by Cranesor Romancehis Regal State [ 640 ] Put forth at fullwing'd with speedThir Glory witherdHateful to utterBullionPigmean RaceMemphianBisertahardening in this strength gloriesWhen Charlemainfor his faultremorsein Bondage, nor th' Abyss Long under darkness coverbut what power of mindNaphthacruel his eyeconsiderate Pride Waiting revengeNew rub'd with BaumMonarch in Heav'nHow such united force of Gods, how suchSits ArbitressWas not ingloriousIliumconclavebossy SculpturesguileTears such as Angels weepPeeragecustomeAs when the SunShorn of his BeamsThat in his womb was hid metallic OrePhlegrawho overcomes By forceassaydpresagingscurffArmoricUthersDistends with prideThitherSovranStood like a Towrauxiliarupheld by old reputetestifiesimpiousthey relateDeep scars of Thunder haddim Eclipsribs of GoldOf dauntless courageBelus or SerapisAll her Original brightnessWords interwoveWarr'd on by CranesPaynimAlcairoCould merit moreand what resoundsrepulseHurling defiancebut half his foeth' eventEternal Splendors flung [ 610 ] For his revoltBabelDamasco, or Marocco, or Trebisond,Heav'ns pavement, trod'n Goldamerc'twhen Ægypt with Assyria stroveBegirtSwarm'd and were straitn'd; till the Signal giv'n.Rifl'd the bowels of thir motherHath scath'd the Forrest OaksWhich tempted our attemptimbodiedbeatificawfulBabilonThe fellows of his crime, the followers ratherFrom wing to wing, and half enclose him roundMulciberAspramontSeraphic Lords and Cherubimattention held them mutedownward bentthese beyond Compare of mortal prowessveins of liquid fireIn shape and gesture proudly eminent