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Evan Thomas, Alaina Parrish, Merrilee Dresbach, Corey Dawes, Jon Thomas, Daniel Renner, James Sturmi, Zachery Misson, Miles Grilliot, Ryan Ott, Jana Whittredge, Jared Joliat, Jeffrey Gilbert, Brett Boehmer, Joseph M Burger, Tabitha Canter, Ashley Vance, Eva Ruf, Maria Rimmel, Olivia Pellegrini, Kevin Howell, Kari Chiolo, Grayson Bassak, Evan Butler, Brandon Dickes, Glenn Zimmerman, Abbey Sylvester, Emily Thompson, Colton Plageman, Allison Hebert, Jason Chapman, Jacob Zeiter, Kate Antonyuk, Authors

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Genesis 31-40 (OJB)

Orthodox Jewish Bible. Bible Gateway, Apr. 6 2015. Web. Apr. 6 2015. <>.

Bereshis 31-40Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

31 And he heard the divrei Bnei Lavan, saying, Ya’akov hath taken away all that belonged to avinu; and of that which belonged to avinu hath he gotten all this kavod.

And Ya’akov beheld the countenance of Lavan, and, hinei, it was not toward him as before.

And Hashem said unto Ya’akov, Shuv el Eretz Avoteicha! And to thy moledet; and I will be with thee.

And Ya’akov sent and called Rachel and Leah to the sadeh unto his tzon,

And said unto them, I see penei avichen, that it is not toward me as before; but Elohei Avi is with me.

And ye know that with all my koach I have served avichen.

And avichen hath deceived me, and changed my sachar aseret monim but Elohim allowed him not to harm me.

If he said thus, The speckled shall be thy sachar; then all the tzon bore speckled; and if he said thus, The streaked shall be thy sachar; then bore all the tzon streaked.

Thus Elohim hath taken away the mikneh of your av, and given them to me.

10 And it came to pass at the time that the tzon breed, that I lifted up mine eyes, and saw in a chalom, and, hinei, the male goats mounting the tzon were streaked, speckled, and spotted.

11 And the Malach HaElohim spoke unto me in a chalom saying, Ya’akov: And I said, Hineni.

12 And he said, Lift up now thine eyes, and see, all the male goats leaping upon the tzon are streaked, speckled, and spotted; for I have seen all that Lavan doeth unto thee.

13 I am HaEl Beit-El, where thou anointedst a matzevah (pillar), and where thou vowedst a neder (vow) unto Me: now arise, get thee out from HaAretz Hazot, and return unto thy eretz moledet.

14 And Rachel and Leah answered and said unto him, Is there yet any chelek or nachalah for us in bais avinu?

15 Are we not regarded by him nokhriyyot (foreigners, strangers)? For he hath sold us, and hath quite devoured also our kesef.

16 For all the oisher Elohim hath taken from avinu, that belongs to us and baneinu; so then, whatsoever Elohim hath said unto thee, do.

17 Then Ya’akov rose up, and set his banim and his nashim upon the gemalim;

18 And he drove all his mikneh, and all his goods which he had gotten, the mikneh of his getting, which he had gotten in Padan Aram, for to go to Yitzchak aviv in Eretz Kena’an.

19 And Lavan went to shear his tzon; and Rachel had stolen the terafim that belong to her av.

20 Unawares to Lavan HaArami, Ya’akov stole away, in that he told him not that he was fleeing.

21 So he fled with all that he had; and he rose up, and passed over the Nahar [i.e. the Euphrates], and set his face toward Har Gil’ad.

22 And it was told Lavan on Yom HaShlishi that Ya’akov was fled.

23 And he took his achim with him, and pursued after him derech shivat yamim; and they overtook him at Har Gil‘ad.

24 And Elohim came to Lavan HaArami in a chalom halailah, and said unto him, Take heed that thou speak not to Ya’akov either tov or rah.

25 Then Lavan overtook Ya’akov. Now Ya’akov had pitched his ohel on the har; and Lavan with his achim encamped in Har Gil‘ad.

26 And Lavan said to Ya’akov, What hast thou done, that thou hast stolen away unawares to me, and carried away my banot, like shevuyot (captives) taken with the cherev?

27 Why didst thou flee away secretly, and steal away from me; and didst not tell me, that I might have sent thee away with simchah, and with shirim (songs), with tof (timbrel, tambourine) and with kinnor (harp)?

28 And hast not allowed me to kiss my banim (grandchildren) and my banot? Thou hast now done foolishly in so doing.

29 It is in the power of my yad to do you rah; but Elohei Avichem spoke unto me emesh (last night), saying, Take thou heed that thou speak not to Ya’akov either tov or rah.

30 And now, though thou had to go, because thou greatly longedst after bais avicha, yet why hast thou stolen elohai?

31 And Ya’akov answered and said to Lavan, Because I was afraid; for I said, Thou wouldest take by force thy banot from me.

32 With whomsoever thou findest eloheicha, let him not live; before acheinu discern thou what is thine with me, and take it to thee. For Ya’akov knew not that Rachel had played the ganav with them.

33 And Lavan went into the ohel Ya’akov, and into the ohel Leah and into the ohel shtei ha’amahot; but he found them not. Then went he out of the ohel Leah, and entered into the ohel Rachel.

34 Now Rachel had taken the terafim, and put them in the saddle of the gamal, and sat upon them. And Lavan searched all the ohel, but found them not.

35 And she said to her av, Let it not displease adoni that I cannot rise up in thy presence; for the derech nashim is upon me. And he searched but found not the terafim.

36 And Ya’akov was in wrath, and upbraided Lavan: and Ya’akov answered and said to Lavan, What is my peysha? What is my chattat, that thou hast so hotly pursued after me?

37 Whereas thou hast searched through all that I own, what hast thou found of all thy kelei bais? Set it here before my achim and thy achim, that they may judge between us both.

38 These esrim shanah have I been with thee; recheleicha (thy ewes) and thy female goats have not miscarried, and the rams of thy tzon have I not eaten.

39 That which was terefah (torn of beasts) I brought not unto thee; I bore the loss of it; of my yad didst thou require it, whether stolen by yom, or stolen by lailah.

40 Thus I was; in the yom the chorev (heat) consumed me, and the kerach (cold) by lailah; and my sheynah (sleep) departed from mine eyes.

41 Thus have I been esrim shanah in thy bais; I served thee arba-esreh shanah for thy two banot, and shesh shanim for thy tzon: and thou hast changed my sachar aseret monim.

42 Except Elohei Avi, Elohei Avraham, and the Pachad of Yitzchak had been with me, surely thou hadst sent me away now empty handed. Elohim hath seen mine oni and the toil of my palms, and rebuked thee emesh (last night).

43 And Lavan answered and said unto Ya’akov, These banot are my banot, and these banim are my banim, and this tzon is my tzon, and all that thou seest is mine; yet what can I do today about these my banot, or about their banim which they have born?

44 Now therefore come thou, let us cut a brit, I and thou; and let it be for an ed between me and thee.

45 And Ya’akov took an even, and set it up for a matzevah (pillar).

46 And Ya’akov said unto his achim, Gather avanim; and they took avanim, and made a gal (heap, mound); and they did eat there upon the gal.

47 And Lavan called it Yegar Sahaduta; but Ya’akov called it Gale’ed ("Heap of Witness").

48 And Lavan said, This gal (heap, mound) is an ed (witness) between me and thee this day. Therefore was shmo called Gale’ed;

49 And Mitzpah (Watch); for he said, Hashem watch between me and thee, when we are absent one from another.

50 If thou shalt afflict my banot, or if thou shalt take nashim besides my banot, no man is with us; see, Elohim ed beini uveinecha (Elohim is witness between me and you).

51 And Lavan said to Ya’akov, Hinei this gal (heap, mound), and hinei the matzevah (pillar), which I have cast between me and thee;

52 This gal (heap, mound) be ed (witness), and this matzevah (pillar) be edah (witness), that for ra’ah I will not pass over this gal to thee, and that thou shalt not pass over this gal and this matzevah unto me.

53 The Elohei Avraham, and Elohei Nachor, Elohei Avihem judge between us. And Ya’akov swore by the Pachad Aviv Yitzchak.

54 Then Ya’akov offered zavach upon the har, and called his achim to eat lechem; and they did eat lechem, and tarried all night on the har.

55 And early in the boker (morning) Lavan rose up, and kissed his banim and his banot, and made on them a brocha; and Lavan departed, and returned unto his makom.

32 And Ya’akov went on his derech, and the malachim of Elohim met him.

(3) And when Ya’akov saw them, he said, This is Mahaneh Elohim; and he called the shem of that makom (place) Machanayim.


(4) And Ya’akov sent malachim before him to Esav achiv unto Eretz Seir, the country of Edom.

(5) And he commanded them, saying, Thus shall ye speak unto adoni Esav; Thy eved Ya’akov saith thus, I have sojourned with Lavan, and stayed there until now;

(6) And I have shor (oxen), and chamor, tzon, and eved, and shifchah; and I have sent to tell adoni, that I may find chen (grace) in thy sight.

(7) And the malachim returned to Ya’akov, saying, We came to Esav achicha, and also he cometh to meet thee, and arba me’ot ish with him.

(8) Then Ya’akov was greatly afraid and distressed; and he divided HaAm that was with him, and the tzon, and bakar, and the gemalim, into two machanot;

(9) And said, If Esav come to the one machaneh, and attack it, then the other machaneh which is left shall escape.

(10) And Ya’akov said, O Elohei Avi Avraham, and Elohei Avi Yitzchak, Hashem which saidst unto me, Shuv l’aretzecha and to thy moledet (kindred), and I will deal well with thee;

10 (11) I am not worthy of the least of all the chasadim, and of all the emes, which Thou hast showed unto Thy eved; for with my makal (rod, staff) I passed over this Yarden; and now I am become two machanot.

11 (12) Save me, now, from the yad achi, from the yad Esav; for I fear him, lest he will come and attack me, em with banim.

12 (13) But Thou saidst, I will surely do thee good, and make thy zera as the chol of the yam, which cannot be numbered for multitude.

13 (14) And he spent there that same night; and took of that which came to his yad a minchah for Esav achiv;

14 (15) Two hundred female goats, and twenty male goats, two hundred rechelim (ewes), and twenty eilim (rams),

15 (16) Thirty nursing gemalim with their colts, forty parot (cows), and ten parim (bulls), twenty female donkeys, and ten male donkeys.

16 (17) And he delivered them into the yad of his avadim, every herd by itself; and said unto his avadim, Pass over before me, and keep a space between herd and herd.

17 (18) And he commanded the rishon, saying, When Esav achi meeteth thee, and asketh thee, saying, Whose art thou? And to where goest thou? And whose are these [animals] before thee?

18 (19) Then thou shalt say, They are of thy eved Ya’akov; it is a minchah sent unto adoni Esav; and, hinei, also he is behind us.

19 (20) And so commanded he the second, and the third, and all that followed the adarim (herds), saying, On this manner shall ye speak unto Esav, when ye find him.

20 (21) And say ye moreover, Hinei, thy eved Ya’akov is behind us. For he said, Akhapperah (I will appease, pacify) his face with the minchah that goeth ahead of me, and afterward I will see his face; perhaps he will accept me.

21 (22) So went the minchah (present) over ahead of him; but he himself stayed balailah in the machaneh.

22 (23) And he rose up that night, and took his two nashim and his two shifchot, and his eleven yeladim, and passed over the ma’avar (ford) Yabbok.

23 (24) And he took them, and sent them over the stream, and sent over [all] that he had.

24 (25) And Ya’akov was left by himself; and there wrestled an ish with him until the shachar (dawn, sunup).

25 (26) And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he struck his hip socket; so Ya’akov’s hip socket dislocated while he wrestled with him.

26 (27) And he said, Let me go, for shachar breaketh. And he said, I will not let thee go, unless thou make a berakah upon me.

27 (28) And he said unto him, What is shemecha? And he said, Ya’akov.

28 (29) And he said, Shimcha shall be called no more Ya’akov, but Yisroel: for sarita im Elohim ([yisrah=to prevail + El=G-d = Yisroel] ye have striven with Elohim) and with anashim, and hast overcome.

29 (30) And Ya’akov asked him, and said, Tell me, now, shemecha. And he said, Why is it that thou dost ask after shmi? And he made a brocha upon him there.

30 (31) And Ya’akov called the shem of the makom (place) Peniel [Face of G-d): for I have seen Elohim panim el panim, and my nefesh is saved.

31 (32) And as he passed over Penuel the shemesh rose upon him, and he limped upon his hip.

32 (33) Therefore the Bnei Yisroel eat not of the sinew of the thigh vein (sciatic nerve) which is upon the hip socket, unto this day; because he touched the hip socket of Ya’akov in the sinew of the thigh vein.

33 And Ya’akov lifted up his eyes, and looked, and, hinei, Esav came, and with him arba me’ot ish (four hundred men). And he divided the yeladim unto Leah, and unto Rachel, and unto the two shefachot.

And he put the shefachot and their yeladim rishonah, and Leah and her yeladim acharonim, and Rachel and Yosef acharonim.

And he passed over before them, and bowed himself to the ground sheva pe’amim, until he came near to achiv (his brother).

And Esav ran to meet him, and embraced him, and fell on his tzavar (neck), and kissed him; and they wept.

And he lifted up his eyes, and saw the nashim and the yeladim; and said, Who are those with thee? And he said, The yeladim which Elohim hath graciously given thy eved.

Then the shefachot came near, they and their yeladim, and they bowed themselves.

And Leah also with her yeladim came near, and bowed themselves; and after came Yosef near and Rachel, and they bowed themselves.

And he said, What meanest thou by all this machaneh which I met? And he said, These are to find chen (grace) in the eyes of adoni.

And Esav said, I have enough, achi (my brother); keep that thou hast unto thyself.

10 And Ya’akov said, No, now, if I have found chen (grace) in thy sight, then receive my minchah at my yad inasmuch as I have seen thy face, as though I had seen the p’nei Elohim (the face of G-d) vatirtzeini (and thou wast pleased to accept me, thou wast appeased by me).

11 Accept, now, my brocha that is brought to thee; because Elohim hath dealt graciously with me, and because yesh li khol (there is to me all, my needs are met). And he urged him, and he accepted.

12 And he said, Nise’ah (let us take our journey), and let us go, I will go next to thee.

13 And he said unto him, Adoni knoweth that the yeladim are tender and the nursing tzon and bakar are upon me; and if men should overdrive them yom echad, all the tzon will die.

14 Let now adoni, pass over before his eved; and I will lead on slowly, according to the pace of the drove that goeth before me and the pace the yeladim are able to endure, until I come unto adoni at Seir.

15 And Esav said, Let me now leave with thee some of HaAm that are with me. And he said, What needeth it? Let me find chen in the sight of adoni.

16 So Esav returned that day on his derech unto Seir.

17 And Ya’akov journeyed to Sukkot, and built him a bais, and made sukkot for his mikneh; therefore the shem of the makom is called Sukkot.

18 And Ya’akov came shalem to Ir Shechem, which is in eretz Kena’an, when he came from Padan Aram; and encamped before the Ir.

19 And he bought a chelkat hasadeh (piece of land), where he had pitched there his ohel, from the yad Bnei Chamor Avi Shechem, for a hundred pieces of kesitah (money).

20 And he erected there a Mizbe’ach, and called it El Elohei Yisroel.

34 And Dinah Bat Leah, which she bore unto Ya’akov, went out to see the Banot HaAretz.

And when Shechem Ben Chamor the Chivvi (Hivite), Nasi HaAretz, saw her, he took her, and lay with her, and violated her.

And his nefesh had deveykus unto Dinah Bat Ya’akov, and he loved the na’arah, and spoke to the lev hanaarah.

And Shechem spoke unto Chamor aviv, saying, Get me this yaldah as isha.

And Ya’akov heard that he had made his bat Dinah tameh; now his banim were with his mikneh in the sadeh; and Ya’akov held his peace until they were come.

And Chamor avi Shechem went out unto Ya’akov to speak with him.

And the Bnei Ya’akov came from the sadeh when they heard it; and the anashim were grieved, and they were in wrath greatly, because he had wrought nevalah (folly, disgrace, outrage) against Yisroel in lying with Bat Ya’akov; which thing ought not to be done.

And Chamor spoke with them, saying, The nefesh of beni (my son) Shechem longeth for your bat; now give her him as isha.

So intermarry with us, and give your banot unto us, and take benoteinu (our banot) unto you.

10 And ye shall dwell with us; and HaAretz shall be before you; dwell and trade therein, and get you possessions therein.

11 And Shechem said unto her av and unto her achim, Let me find chen (grace) in your eyes, and what ye shall say unto me I will give.

12 Ask me never so much mohar (bride price, dowry) and mattan (gift), and I will pay according as ye shall say unto me; but give me the na’arah as isha.

13 And the Bnei Ya’akov answered Shechem and Chamor aviv in mirmar (deceit) and spoke because he had made Dinah their achot tameh;

14 And they said unto them, We cannot do this thing, to give achoteinu (our sister) to ish that is arelah (uncircumcised); for that would be a cherpah (reproach, disgrace) unto us;

15 But in this will we consent unto you: If ye will become like us, that every zachar of you be circumcised;

16 Then will we give benoteinu unto you, and we will take your banot to us, and we will dwell among you, and we will become as Am Echad.

17 But if ye will not pay heed unto us, to become circumcised; then will we take biteinu (our daughter), and we will go.

18 And their words pleased Chamor, and Shechem Ben Chamor.

19 And the na’ar deferred not to do the thing, because he had delight in Bat Ya’akov; and he was more respected than kol Bais Aviv.

20 And Chamor and Shechem bno came unto the Sha’ar of their city, and they spoke with the anashim of their city, saying,

21 These anashim are shlemim (peaceable) with us; therefore let them settle in HaAretz, and let them trade therein for HaAretz, hinei, it is plenty of room for them; let us take their banot to us as nashim, and let us give them benoteinu.

22 Only herein will the anashim consent unto us for to dwell with us, to be Am Echad, if every zachar among us be circumcised, just as they are nimolim (ones being circumcised).

23 Shall not their mikneh and their property and every behemah of theirs be ours? Only let us consent unto them, and they will settle among us.

24 And unto Chamor and unto Shechem bno paid heed all that went out of the Sha’ar of his city; and every zachar was circumcised, all that went out of the Sha’ar of his city.

25 And it came to pass on the Yom HaShlishi, when they were in pain, that two of the Bnei Ya’akov, Shimon and Levi, achei Dinah, took each ish his cherev, and came upon the Ir betach (boldly, confidently), and they slaughtered kol zachar.

26 And they slaughtered Chamor and Shechem bno with the edge of the cherev, and took Dinah from the Bais Shechem and left.

27 The Bnei Ya’akov came upon the chalalim (dead ones, slain ones), and plundered the Ir, because they had made their achot tameh.

28 They seized their tzon, and their bakar, and their chamorim, and that which was in the Ir, and that which was in the sadeh,

29 And all their wealth, and all their little ones, and their nashim they carried off and plundered even all that was in the bais.

30 And Ya’akov said to Shimon and Levi, Ye have brought trouble on me to make me a stench among the inhabitants of HaAretz, among the Kena’ani and the Perizzi; and I being few in mispar, they shall gather themselves together against me, and attack me; and I shall be destroyed, I and my bais.

31 And they said, Should he deal with achoteinu like with zonah?

35 And Elohim said unto Ya’akov, Arise, go up to Beit-El, and settle there; and make there a Mizbe’ach unto El (G-d) that appeared unto thee when thou didst flee from the face of Esav achicha.

Then Ya’akov said unto his Bais, and to all that were with him, Put away the elohei hanekhar that are among you, and be tahor, and change your simlah (garments);

And let us arise, and go up to Beit-El; and I will build there a Mizbe’ach unto El (G-d) Who answered me in my yom tzoros, and was with me in the derech in which I went.

And they gave unto Ya’akov kol elohei hanekhar which were in their yad, and all their nezamim which were in their oznayim; and Ya’akov buried them under the elah (terebinth) which was at Shechem.

And they journeyed; and the chittat Elohim (terror of G-d) was upon the cities that were around them, and they did not pursue after the Bnei Ya’akov.

So Ya’akov came to Luz, which is in Eretz Kena’an, that is, Beit-El, he and kol haAm that were with him.

And he built there a Mizbe’ach, and called the makom (place) El Beit-El; because there HaElohim appeared unto him, when he fled from the face of achiv.

But Devorah meineket Rivkah died, and she was buried under an alon (oak) below Beit-El; and shmo was called Alon Bachut.

And Elohim appeared unto Ya’akov again, when he returned from Padan Aram, and made a brocha upon him.

10 And Elohim said unto him, Shimcha is Ya’akov; shimcha shall not be called any more Ya’akov, but Yisroel shall be shemecha; and He called shmo Yisroel.

11 And Elohim said unto him, I am El Shaddai; be fruitful and multiply; a Goy (nation) and a Kehal Goyim shall be from thee, and Melechim shall come out of thy loins;

12 And HaAretz which I gave Avraham and Yitzchak, to thee I will give it, and to thy zera after thee will I give HaAretz.

13 And Elohim went up from him in the makom where He talked with him.

14 And Ya’akov set up a matzevah (pillar, monument) in the makom where He talked with him, even a matzevat even (pillar of stone); and he poured a nesech (drink offering) thereon, and he poured shemen (oil) thereon.

15 And Ya’akov called the shem of the makom where Elohim spoke with him, Beit- El.

16 And they journeyed from Beit-El; and there was still a space of ha’aretz to get to Ephratah; and Rachel travailed, and she had hard labor.

17 And it came to pass, when she was in hard labor, that the meyaledet (midwife) said unto her, Fear not; thou shalt have this ben also.

18 And it came to pass, as her nefesh was in departing, (for she died) that she called shmo Ben-Oni (Son of Affliction); but aviv called him Binyamin.

19 And Rachel died, and was buried on the derech to Ephratah, which is Beit- Lechem.

20 And Ya’akov set up a matzevah upon her kever; that is matzevet kevurat Rachel to this day.

21 And Yisroel journeyed, and pitched his ohel beyond Migdal-Eder.

22 And it came to pass, when Yisroel dwelt in that land, that Reuven went and lay with Bilhah pilegesh aviv and Yisroel heard it. Now the Bnei Ya’akov were Sheneym Asar (Twelve);

23 The Bnei Leah: Reuven bechor Ya’akov, and Shimon, and Levi, and Yehudah, and Yissakhar, and Zevulun;

24 The Bnei Rachel: Yosef, and Binyamin;

25 And the Bnei Bilhah shifchat Rachel: Dan, and Naphtali;

26 And the Bnei Zilpah shifchat Leah: Gad, and Asher; these are the Bnei Ya’akov, which were born to him in Padan Aram.

27 And Ya’akov came unto Yitzchak Aviv unto Mamre, unto Kiriat HaArba, which is Chevron, where Avraham and Yitzchak sojourned.

28 And the days of Yitzchak were me’at shanah u’shemonim shanah.

29 And Yitzchak expired, and died, and was gathered unto his people, being zaken (old) and full of yamim; and his banim Esav and Ya’akov buried him.

36 Now these are the toldot Esav, who is Edom.

Esav took his nashim of the Banot Kena’an: Adah Bat Elon the Chitti, and Oholivamah Bat Anah Bat Tziveon the Chivvi;

And Basemat Bat Yishma’el, achot Nevayot.

And Adah bore to Esav Eliphaz; and Basemat bore Reuel;

And Oholivamah bore Yeush, and Ya’alam, and Korach; these are the Bnei Esav, which were born unto him in Eretz Kena’an.

And Esav took his nashim, and his banim, and his banot, and kol nafshot of his bais, and his mikneh, and all his behemah, and all his possessions, which he had acquired in Eretz Kena’an; and went into the eretz from the face of Ya’akov achiv.

For their wealth was more than that they might dwell together; and the eretz of their sojourns could not support them because of their mikneh.

Thus dwelt Esav in har Seir; Esav is Edom.

And these are the toldot Esav avi Edom in har Seir:

10 These are the shemot Bnei Esav; Eliphaz Ben Adah eshet Esav, Reuel Ben Basemat eshet Esav.

11 And the Bnei Eliphaz were Teman, Omar, Tzepho, and Gatam, and Kenaz.

12 And Timna was pilegesh (concubine) to Eliphaz Ben Esav; and she bore to Eliphaz Amalek; these were the Bnei Adah eshet Esav.

13 And these are the Bnei Reuel: Nachat, and Zerach, Shammah, and Mizzah; these were the Bnei Basemat eshet Esav.

14 And these were the Bnei Oholivamah Bat Anah Bat Tziveon, eshet Esav: and she bore to Esav Yeush, and Yaalam, and Korach.

15 These were alufei (chiefs) of the Bnei Esav: the Bnei Eliphaz the bechor Esav; aluf (chief) Teman, aluf Omar, aluf Tzepho, aluf Kenaz,

16 Aluf (chief) Korach, aluf (chief) Gatam, and aluf (chief) Amalek; these are the alufei Eliphaz in Eretz Edom; these were the Bnei Adah.

17 And these are the Bnei Reuel Ben Esav: aluf (chief) Nachat, aluf Zerach, aluf Shammah, aluf Mizzah; these are the alufei Reuel in Eretz Edom; these are the Bnei Basemat eshet Esav.

18 And these are the Bnei Oholivamah eshet Esav: aluf (chief) Yeush, aluf Yaalam, aluf Korach; these were the alufei Oholivamah Bat Anah eshet Esav.

19 These are the Bnei Esav, who is Edom, and these are their alufim (chiefs).

20 These are the Bnei Seir the Chori, who inhabited HaAretz: Lotan, and Shoval, and Tziveon, and Anah,

21 And Dishon, and Etzer, and Dishan; these are the alufei HaChori, the Bnei Seir in Eretz Edom.

22 And the Bnei Lotan were Chori and Hemam; and achot Lotan was Timna.

23 And the Bnei Shoval were these: Alvan, and Manachat, and Eval, Shepho, and Onam.

24 And these are the Bnei Tziveon: both Ayyah, and Anah; this was that Anah that found the mules in the midbar, as he pastured the chamorim of Tziveon aviv.

25 And the Bnei Anah were these: Dishon, and Oholivamah Bat Anah.

26 And these are the Bnei Dishon: Chemdan, and Eshban, and Yitran, and Keran.

27 The Bnei Etzer are these: Bilhan, and Zaavan, and Akan.

28 The Bnei Dishan are these: Uz, and Aran.

29 These are the alufei (chiefs) haChori: aluf (chief) Lotan, aluf Shoval, aluf Tziveon, aluf Anah,

30 Aluf Dishon, aluf Etzer, aluf (chief) Dishan; these are the alufei haChori by their alufim (chiefs) in Eretz Seir.

31 And these are the melechim that reigned in Eretz Edom, before there reigned any melech over the Bnei Yisroel.

32 And Bela Ben Be’or reigned in Edom; and the shem of his city was Dinhavah.

33 And Bela died, and Yovav Ben Zerach of Botzrah reigned in his place.

34 And Yovav died, and Chusham of Eretz Temani reigned in his place.

35 And Chusham died, and Hadad Ben Bedad, who defeated Midyan in the sadeh of Moav, reigned in his place; and the shem of his city was Avit.

36 And Hadad died, and Samlah of Masrekah reigned in his place.

37 And Samlah died, and Sha’ul of Rechovot-nahar reigned in his place.

38 And Sha’ul died, and Baal Chanan Ben Achbor reigned in his place.

39 And Baal Chanan Ben Achbor died, and Hadar reigned in his place; and the shem of his city was Pau; and the shem of his isha was Mehetavel Bat Matred Bat Mei Zahav.

40 And these are the shemot of the alufei Esav, according to their mishpechot, after their mekomot, by their shemot: aluf (chief) Timnah, aluf (chief) Alvah, aluf (chief) Yetet,

41 Aluf Oholivamah, aluf (chief) Elah, aluf (chief) Pinon,

42 Aluf (chief) Kenaz, aluf (chief) Teman, aluf (chief) Mivtzar,

43 Aluf (chief) Magdiel, aluf (chief) Iram; these are the alufei Edom, according to their moshavot in the eretz of their achuzzah; this is Esav Avi Edom.


37 And Ya’akov dwelt in the eretz megurei Aviv (in the land wherein his father was a ger) in Eretz Canaan.

These are the toldot Ya’akov. Yosef, being seventeen years old, was ro’eh with his achim to the tzon; now the na’ar was with the bnei Bilhah, and with the bnei Zilpah, the ne’shei Aviv (the wives of his father); and Yosef brought unto Avihem (their father) dibbatam ra’ah (a bad, evil report of them).

Now Yisroel loved Yosef more than all his children, because he was the ben zekunim (the son of his old age); and he made him a kesones passim (ketonet [tunic] reaching to palms and soles, [see Messianic significance Yn 19:23 OJBC]).

And when his achim saw that Avihem loved him more than all his achim, they hated him, and could not speak with shalom unto him.

And Yosef dreamed a chalom (dream [see Mt 2:22 OJBC]), and he told it to his achim; and they hated him yet the more.

And he said unto them, Hear, now, this chalom which I have dreamed:

For, hinei, we were binding alummim (sheaves of wheat) out in the sadeh, and, hinei, my sheaf arose, and also stood upright; and, hinei, your alummot (sheaves of wheat) gathered around it, and bowed down to my sheaf.

And his achim said to him, Shalt thou indeed reign over us? Or shalt thou indeed have dominion over us? And they hated him yet the more for his chalomot (dreams), and for his devarim.

And he dreamed yet another chalom, and told it his achim, and said, Hinei, I have dreamed a chalom more; and, hinei, the shemesh and the yarei’ach and the eleven kokhavim bowed down to me.

10 And he told it to Aviv, and to his achim: and Aviv rebuked him, and said unto him, What is this chalom that thou hast dreamed? Shall I and Immecha and Achecha indeed come to bow down ourselves to the ground before thee?

11 And his achim had kina (jealousy, envy) toward him; but Aviv was shomer over the saying.

12 And his achim went for the purpose to be ro’eh tzon Avihem in the vicinity of Shechem.

13 And Yisroel said unto Yosef, Do not thy achim ro’im in Shechem? Come and I will send thee unto them. And he said to him, Hineni.

14 And he said to him, Go, now, see about the shalom achecha, and the shalom hatzon; and bring me devar. So he sent him out of the Emek Chevron, and he went to Shechem.

15 And a certain ish found him, and, hinei, he was wandering in the sadeh; and the ish asked him, saying, What seekest thou?

16 And he said, I seek my achim; tell me, now, where they ro’im (feed their flocks).

17 And the ish said, They are departed from here; for I heard them say, Let us go to Dotan. And Yosef went after his achim, and found them in Dotan.

18 And when they saw him merachok (afar off, in the distance), even before he came near unto them, they conspired against him to kill him.

19 And they said one to another, Hinei, this ba’al hachalomot cometh.

20 Come now therefore, and let us kill him, and throw him into one of the borot (pits), and we will say, Some chayyah ra’ah (evil wild beast) hath devoured him; and we shall see what will become of his chalomot.

21 And Reuven heard it, and he saved him out of their yadayim; and said, Let us not take his nefesh.

22 And Reuven said unto them, Do no shefach dahm (shedding of blood), but throw him into this bor that is in the midbar, and lay no yad upon him; that he might rescue him out of their yadayim, to take him back to Aviv.

23 And it came to pass, when Yosef was come unto his achim, that they stripped Yosef of his kesones [see Yn 19:23 OJBC], his kesones hapassim that was on him;

24 And they took him, and threw him into the borah (pit); and the bor was empty, there was no mayim in it.

25 And they sat down to eat lechem; and they lifted up their eyes and looked, and, hinei, a caravan of Yishm’elim was coming from Gil‘ad with their gemalim bearing spices and balm and myrrh, going to carry it down to Mitzrayim.

26 And Yehudah said unto his achim, What betza (profit, gain) is it if we kill achinu (our brother), and conceal his dahm?

27 Come, and let us sell him to the Yishm’elim, and let not yadeinu (our hands) be upon him; for he is achinu (our brother) and besareinu (our flesh). And his achim agreed.

28 Then there passed by anashim Midyanim socharim (men of Midyan, traders); and they drew and lifted up Yosef out of the bor, and sold Yosef to the Yishm’elim for esrim kesef; and they took Yosef to Mitzrayim.

29 And Reuven returned unto the bor; and, hinei, Yosef was not in the bor; and he made the keriah of his clothes [compare Mk 14:63 OJBC].

30 And he returned unto his achim, and said, The yeled is not; and I, where shall I turn?

31 And they took the kesones Yosef, and did shachat the se’ir izzim (slaughtered the kid of the goats), and dipped the kesones in the dahm;

32 And they sent the kesones hapassim, and they brought it to Avihem; and said, This have we found; examine for identification purposes now whether it be the kesones Binecha or no.

33 And he recognized it, and said, It is the kesones beni; a chayyah ra’ah hath devoured him; Yosef is without doubt torn in pieces.

34 And Ya’akov made the keriah of his clothes, and put sackcloth on his loins, and mourned for beno yamim rabbim.

35 And all his banim and all his banot rose up to comfort him; but he refused to be comforted; and he said, For I will go down to beni mourning to Sheol. Thus Aviv wept for him.

36 And the Midyanim sold him into Mitzrayim unto Potiphar, a seris Pharaoh (courtier of Pharaoh), a sar hatabbachim (a captain of the slaughterers, executioners, i.e., captain of the guard).

38 And it came to pass at that time, that Yehudah went down from his achim, and turned in to an ish Adulami shmo Chirah.

And Yehudah saw there a bat ish Kena’ani shmo Shua; and he took her, and went in unto her.

She conceived, and bore ben; and he called shmo Er.

And she conceived again, and bore ben; and she called shmo Onan.

And she yet again conceived, and bore ben; and called shmo Shelah; at Keziv, when she bore him.

And Yehudah took a wife for Er his bechor, whose shem was Tamar.

And Er, bechor Yehudah, was rah in the eyes of Hashem; and Hashem slaughtered him.

And Yehudah said unto Onan, Go in unto eshet achicha, and enter into levirate marriage with her, and raise up zera to achicha.

And Onan knew that the zera should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto eshet achiv, that he spilled it on the ground, lest he should give zera to achiv.

10 And the thing which he did was rah in the eyes of Hashem; therefore He slaughtered him also.

11 Then said Yehudah to Tamar his kallah, Remain an almanah at thy bais avi, till Shelah beni is grown; for he said, Lest he die also, as his achim did. And Tamar went and dwelt in her bais avi.

12 And in process of time the bat Shua, eshet Yehudah, died; and Yehudah was consoled, and went up unto his sheepshearers to Timnah, he and his re’a Chirah the Adulami.

13 And it was told Tamar, saying, Hinei, thy kham (father-in-law) goeth up to Timnah to shear his tzon.

14 And she put off her widow’s garments from her, and covered her with a tze’if (veil), and disguised herself, and sat at the crossroads which is on the derech to Timnah; for she saw that Shelah was grown, and she was not given unto him as isha.

15 When Yehudah saw her, he thought her to be a zonah; because she had covered her face.

16 And he turned unto her by the derech, and said, Come now, let me come in unto thee; (for he knew not that she was his kallah [daughter-in-law]). And she said, What wilt thou give me, that thou mayest come in unto me?

17 And he said, I will send thee a gedi izzim (kid of the goats). And she said, Wilt thou give me an ervon (pledge), till thou send it?

18 And he said, What ervon shall I give thee? And she said, Thy chotam (signet), and thy [signet neck] cord, and thy staff that is in thine yad. And he gave it her, and came in unto her, and she conceived by him.

19 And she arose, and went away, and took off her tze’if from her, and put on the garments of her widowhood.

20 And Yehudah sent the gedi izzim by the yad of his friend the Adulami, to get back his ervon from the yad haisha; but he found her not.

21 Then he asked the men of that place, saying, Where is the kedesha (cult prostitute) that was on the crossroads by the derech? And they said, There was no kedesha in this place.

22 And he returned to Yehudah, and said, I cannot find her; and also the men of the place said that there was no kedesha in this place.

23 And Yehudah said, Let her take for herself, lest we become buz (laughingstock); hinei, I sent this gedi, and thou hast not found her.

24 And it came to pass about shlosh chadashim (three months) later, that it was told Yehudah saying, Tamar thy kallah hath played the zonah; and also, hinei, she is with child by zenunim (whoredom). And Yehudah said, Bring her forth, and let her be burned.

25 When she was brought forth, she sent to her kham (father-in-law), saying, By the man, whose these are, am I with child; and she said, Discern, now, whose are these, the chotam (signet), and the [signet neck] cord, and the staff.

26 And Yehudah acknowledged them, and said, She hath been more tzadekah than I; because that I gave her not to Shelah beni. And he knew her again no more.

27 And it came to pass in the time of her travail, that, hinei te’omim (twin boys) were in her beten.

28 And it came to pass, when she travailed in labor, that the one put out his yad; and the midwife took and bound upon his yad a scarlet thread, saying, This came out rishonah (first).

29 And it came to pass, as he drew back his yad, that, hinei, his brother came out; and she said, How hast paratzta (thou broken out)? This paretz (breach, breaking) be upon thee; therefore shmo was called Peretz [Breaking out].

30 And afterward came out his brother, that had the scarlet thread upon his yad; and shmo was called Zerach.

39 And Yosef was brought down to Mitzrayim; and Potiphar, a saris Pharaoh, Sar Hatabachim (captain of the bodyguard), a Mitzri, bought him of the hands of the Yishme’elim, which had brought him down to there.

And Hashem was with Yosef, and he was an ish matzliach (a man [G-d] makes prosper); and he was in the bais adonav haMitzri.

And adonav saw that Hashem was with him, and that Hashem caused all that he did matzliach in his yad.

And Yosef found chen in his eyes, and he ministered to him; and he made him mefake’ach (overseer) over his bais, and all that he had he entrusted into his yad.

And it came to pass from the time that he had made him mefake’ach (overseer) in his bais, and over all that he had, that Hashem put a brocha on the bais haMitzri on account of Yosef; and the birkat Hashem was upon all that he had in the bais, and in the sadeh.

And he left all that he had in the yad Yosef; and he knew not ought he had, save the lechem which he did eat. And Yosef was yafeh to’ar (well built) and yafeh mareh (good looking).

And it came to pass after these things, that eshet adonav cast her eyes upon Yosef; and she said, Lie with me.

But he refused, and said unto eshet adonav, Look, with me [here], adoni knows not what is in the bais, and he hath entrusted all that he hath to my yad;

There is none gadol in this bais than I; neither hath he kept back any thing from me except thee only, because thou art his isha; how then can I do hara’ah hagedolah hazot, and commit chattat against Elohim?

10 And it came to pass, as she spoke to Yosef yom yom, that he unto her lo shama (did not pay heed), to lie with her, or to be with her.

11 And it came to pass about this time, that Yosef went into the bais to do his melachah (work); and there was none of the anshei habayit there within.

12 And she caught him by his beged, saying, Lie with me; and he left his beged in her yad, and fled, and ran outside.

13 And it came to pass, when she saw that he had left his beged in her yad, and had fled outside,

14 That she called unto her anshei habayit, and spoke unto them, saying, Look, he hath brought in unto us an ish Ivri to show disrespect and mock us. He came in unto me to lie with me, and I screamed with a kol gadol (loud voice);

15 And it came to pass, when he heard that I lifted up my voice and screamed, that he left his beged with me, and fled, and ran outside.

16 And she laid up his beged by her, until adonav came to his bais.

17 And she spoke unto him according to these words, saying, The eved HaIvri, which thou hast brought unto us, came in unto me to show disrespect and mock me;

18 And it came to pass, as I lifted up my voice and screamed, that he left his beged with me, and fled outside.

19 And it came to pass, when adonav heard the words of his isha, which she spoke unto him, saying, After this manner did thy eved to me; that his wrath was kindled.

20 And adonei Yosef took him, and put him into the bais hasohar, a place where the asirei HaMelech were prisoners; and he was there in the bais hasohar.

21 But Hashem was with Yosef, and showed him chesed, and gave him chen in the eyes of the sar bais hasohar.

22 And the sar bais hasohar entrusted to the yad Yosef all the asirim (prisoners) that were in the bais hasohar; and whatsoever they did there, he was the accomplisher of it.

23 The sar bais hasohar looked not to anything that was under his [Yosef’s] yad; because Hashem was with him, and that which he did, Hashem made it to prosper.

40 And it came to pass after these things, that the mashkeh (cupbearer) Melech Mitzrayim and his ofeh (baker) had offended adoneihem Melech Mitzrayim.

And Pharaoh was in wrath against two of his sarisim, against the sar hamashkim, and against the sar ha’ofim.

And he put them b’mishmar (under watch, in custody) in the bais sar hatabachim (house of the captain of the bodyguards), in the bais hasohar, in the makom (place) where Yosef was incarcerated.

And the sar hatabachim charged Yosef with them, and he ministered to them; and they continued a season b’mishmar (in custody, under watch).

And they dreamed a chalom both of them, each man his chalom in lailah echad (in one night, the same night), and each chalom with its own pitron (meaning, interpretation), the mashkeh and the ofeh of Melech Mitzrayim, which were prisoners in the bais hasohar.

And Yosef came in unto them in the boker, and looked upon them, and, hinei, they were zo’afim (troubled ones, sad ones).

And he asked the sarisim of Pharaoh that were with him b’mishmar (in the custody ward) of bais adonav, saying, Why look ye so ra’im (bad, downcast ones) hayom (today)?

And they said unto him, We have dreamed a chalom, and there is no poter (interpreter) of it. And Yosef said unto them, Do not pitronim (interpretations) belong to Elohim? Tell now to me.

And the sar hamashkim told his chalom to Yosef, and said to him, In my chalom, hinei, a gefen was before me;

10 And in the gefen were shloshah sarigim (three branches); and it was as soon as it budded, its blossom shot forth; and the clusters thereof brought forth anavim (ripe grapes);

11 And the kos Pharaoh was in my yad; and I took the anavim (grapes), and pressed them into kos Pharaoh, and I put the kos into the palm of Pharaoh.

12 And Yosef said unto him, This is the pitron (interpretation) of it; The shloshet hasarigim are shloshet yamim.

13 Within shloshet yamim shall Pharaoh lift up thine rosh, and restore thee unto thy ken (place, post); and thou shalt deliver kos Pharaoh into his yad, after the mishpat harishon (former practice) when thou wast his mashkeh.

14 But remember me [see Amos 6:6] when it shall be well with thee, and show chesed now unto me, and make mention of me unto Pharaoh, and bring me out of this bais;

15 For indeed I was stolen away out of the Eretz HaIvrim; and here also have I done nothing that they should put me into the bor (dungeon).

16 When the sar ha’ofim saw that he had done the pitron well, he said unto Yosef, I also was in my chalom, and, hinei, I had shloshah salei chori (three baskets of cakes) on my rosh;

17 And in the sal haelyon (uppermost basket) there was all manner of food for Pharaoh; and ha’oph (the birds) did eat them out of the sal (basket) upon my rosh.

18 And Yosef answered and said, This is the pitron (interpretation, meaning) thereof: The shloshet hasalim (three baskets) are shloshet yamim.

19 Yet within shloshet yamim shall Pharaoh lift off thy rosh from on thee, and shall hang thee on an etz; and ha’oph (the birds) shall eat thy basar from off thee.

20 And it came to pass on Yom HaShlishi, which was the yom huledet of Pharaoh, that he made a mishteh (feast) unto all his avadim; and he lifted up the rosh sar hamashkim and the rosh sar ha’ofim (head of the chief baker) in the midst of his avadim (officials).

21 He restored the sar hamashkim unto his mashkeh; and he gave the kos into the palm of Pharaoh;

22 But he hanged the sar ha’ofim: just as Yosef had made the pitron to them.

23 Yet did not the sar hamashkim remember Yosef [see Amos 6:6] but forgot him.

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