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Isaiah 2-17

Kevin Howell
English: English Bible
Translation: Isaiah chapter 1 2-17

Heaven and earth (All of gods creation), you’re the jury. Listen to god’s case: “I had children and raised them well, and they turned on me. The ox knows who’s Lord, the mule knows who‘s Lord, But not Israel. My people don’t know up from down. Shame! Misguided complacent/ false God-followers, staggering under their guilt-baggage, Gang of miscreants, band of vandals- My people have walked out on me, their God, turned their backs on the Holy of Israel, walked off and never looked back. “Why bother even trying to do anything with you when you just keep to your bullheaded ways? You keep beating your heads against brick walls. Everything within you protests against you. From bottom of your feet to the top of your head, nothing’s working right. Wounds and bruises and running sores- unwashed, unbandaged. Your country is laid waste, your cities burned down. Your land is destroyed by outsiders, reduced to rubble by barbarians. Daughter Zion is deserted like a unguarded town in war times. If God-of-the-Angle-Armies hadn’t wanted to leave us a few survivors, we’d be as desolate as sodom, doomed just like Gomorrah. “ Listen to my Message, leaders similar to Sodom‘s. Receive God’s revelation, you people like Gomorrah’s . “Why this rapid and chaotic amount of sacrifices?” God’s asking. “Don’t you think I’ve had my fill of burnt sacrifices, rams and plump grain-fed calves? Don’t you think I’ve had my fill of blood from bulls, lambs, and goats? When you come before me, whoever gave you the idea of acting like this doing this and that- all this sheer commotion in the place provided for worship? These actions are nothing to me when you live in such a way.
Research behind Isaiah chapter 1 verse 2-17
The author is the prophet Isaiah his name means “god saves.”
What the author was saying.
2- 3 is stating that everything god had created are gods witnesses to the truth of God. All of nature obeys god but humans.
4-6 Punishment will come to those who refuse to change their evil behavior. He thinks of God as a “Holy God”.
7-9 States past attacks that have happened. It then describes how defensive Jerusalem is by using a look-out hut of farmers being empty as an example. Finally it says god wants to keep some people alive in Jerusalem or it would have been destroyed like Sodom and Gomorrah.
10-11 demanding the people in power to listen to his message. Then this is saying that if someone where to make a sacrifice without it meaning anything to them thee sacrifice means nothing.
12-15 The activities that were being done for god were not doing anything or the people where not showing in the way they where living. God hated this.
16-17 People who continue evil but due religious actions do not automatically find themselves in gods graces.

To summaries I believe that this passage is about the fall of the people in Jerusalem from following god. They have drifted into doing the actions that god had commanded but making them meaningless to him by not having the right motives of them. This is a warning to them.
1. I would argue that the norm in biblical translation in modern age is a sense-by-sense, but in past generations it was more of a word-by-word translation. This change has occurred over time due to the need to adapt to modern ideas and understandings. Sometimes the things said in the ancient bible to not transfer to our language well, although we can  translate into a more understandable message. I used the message as a base model because they already begin this process of modernizing the text. Example of how things sometimes don’t translate in language is the phrase “In la Bocca di lupo” in Italian means in the wolfs mouth but means good luck.
2. Most of this text was tough because its statements have multiple sections that could be interpret in multiple ways. I just think these statements can be taken as a punishing angry god who wants revenge for not being worshiped correctly as an example. But to move in to more specifics Statement in verse 8 it can be a mistaken statements that “Zion is left like a booth in a vineyard, like a lodge in a cucumber field, like a besieged city.” This statement is talking about its countries defenselessness but if you do not know these analogies then the idea is lost.
3. Other perspectives on this passage could be an argument against god. Why would god create humans and be angry with them when he knew the actions they where going to take, its not like god to be surprised. Some could see the anger of god in these passages and that he is vengeful. Another is reading it as a text telling us god no longer wants us to sacrifice to him because he has had enough. Others can read it as a god of justice doing what is divinely right. Some can see it as the development of hypocrisy and false discipleship of the people which has lead to god stating, aggressively, that the actions do not show there hearts, so its an argument against works. Most of the perspectives are not very similar, however most negatives push a angry and revengeful god. The negatives agree because it is more of a straight forward way to look at it. The positives haft to read these statements in a way to interpret more out of them. You do not haft to look hard if what you are looking for is a angry god who is going to destroy people for wrong doings.
4. If you cross-reference choices such as KJV or NIV you run into them saying the same thing but being worded in a more encrypted way. They use older language with little change from original translation. This can be confusing however to those who do not understand certain historical references or wording. So I chose to use a more modern translation for my base. This is because it is a stronger for early readers and takes out the complexity of finding multiple sources to understand the text.
5. My structure in the text was to simplify the verses without taking away the emotions or other aspects of the readings. I combined them all into a single paragraph because they are all apart of a single section within the book of Isaiah.  This such as the same change that Message or WJS versions have done within there versions. Mine closely follows the Messages version of the text.

MLA Citations
New International Version. Web.30 Jan. 2015

 The Message. Web. 30 Jan. 2015

King James Version. Web. 30 Jan 2015

Geneva. Web. 30 Jan 2015

The New Cambridge History of the Bible, Cambridge University Press. May 2013. Web.     30 Jan. 2015     .
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