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Evan Thomas, Alaina Parrish, Merrilee Dresbach, Corey Dawes, Jon Thomas, Daniel Renner, James Sturmi, Zachery Misson, Miles Grilliot, Ryan Ott, Jana Whittredge, Jared Joliat, Jeffrey Gilbert, Brett Boehmer, Joseph M Burger, Tabitha Canter, Ashley Vance, Eva Ruf, Maria Rimmel, Olivia Pellegrini, Kevin Howell, Kari Chiolo, Grayson Bassak, Evan Butler, Brandon Dickes, Glenn Zimmerman, Abbey Sylvester, Emily Thompson, Colton Plageman, Allison Hebert, Jason Chapman, Jacob Zeiter, Kate Antonyuk, Authors

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Genesis 41-50 (OJB)

Orthodox Jewish Bible. Bible Gateway, Apr. 6 2015. Web. Apr. 6 2015. <>.

Bereshis 41-50Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)


41 And it came to pass at the end of two full years, that Pharaoh dreamed a chalom: and, hinei, he stood by haye’or (the River, i.e., the Nile).

And, hinei, there came up out of haye’or (the River, i.e., the Nile) seven cows, fine in appearance and fat in basar; and they grazed on the riverbank.

And, hinei, seven other cows came up after them out of the Nile, ra’ot mareh (ugly in appearance) and dakot basar (gaunt ones in flesh, lean-fleshed); and stood by the other cows upon the bank of the Nile.

And the cows that were ra’ot hamareh and that were dakot habasar did devour the seven cows that were fine in appearance and fat. Then Pharaoh awoke.

And he slept and dreamed a chalom the second time; and, hinei, shivah heads of grain came up upon one stalk, beri’ot (fat ones) and tovot.

And, hinei, seven thin heads of grain scorched by the east wind tzomechot (sprung up) after them.

And the seven thin heads of grain devoured the seven fat and mele’ot (full) heads of grain. And Pharaoh awoke; and, hinei, it was a chalom!

And it came to pass in the boker that his ruach was troubled; and he sent and called for all the chartummei Mitzrayim (magicians of Egypt), and all the chachamim thereof; and Pharaoh told them his chalom; but there was no poter (interpreter) for Pharaoh.

Then the sar hamashkim spoke unto Pharaoh, saying, I do remember my faults this day.

10 Pharaoh was in wrath with his avadim, and put me b’mishmar (in custody) in the bais sar hatabbachim, both me and the sar ha’ofim;

11 And we dreamed a chalom in the same lailah, I and he; and each chalom we dreamed had its own pitron (interpretation).

12 And there was there with us a na’ar Ivri, eved to the sar hatabbachim; and we told him, and he interpreted to us chalomoteinu (our dreams); to each according to his chalom he did interpret.

13 And it was, just as he interpreted to us, so it came to pass; me he restored unto mine ken (post), and him he hanged.

14 Then Pharaoh sent and summoned Yosef, and they brought him hastily out of the bor (dungeon); and he shaved, and changed his clothes, and came in unto Pharaoh.

15 And Pharaoh said unto Yosef, I have dreamed a chalom, and there is no poter (interpreter) for it; and I have heard it said of thee, that thou canst understand a chalom to interpret it.

16 And Yosef answered Pharaoh, saying, It is not in me; Elohim shall give Pharaoh an answer of shalom.

17 And Pharaoh said unto Yosef, In my chalom, hineni, I stood upon the bank of the Nile;

18 And, hinei, there came up out of the Nile seven cows beri’ot basar (fat in body) and sleek of form; and they grazed by the riverbank.

19 And, hinei, seven other cows came up after them, dalot (poor, scrawny, thin) and ra’ot to’ar me’od (very ugly in appearance) and lean-fleshed, such as I never saw in kol Eretz Mitzrayim, unacceptably bad;

20 And the lean and the ra’ot cows did eat up the first seven fat cows;

21 And when they had eaten them up, it could not be known that they had eaten them; but they were still rah in appearance, as at the beginning. So I awoke.

22 And I saw in my chalom, and, hinei, seven heads of grain came up on one stalk, mele’ot (full) and tovot (good);

23 And, hinei, seven heads of grain, withered, thin, and scorched with the east wind, tzomechot (sprung up) after them;

24 And the thin heads of grain devoured the seven tov heads of grain; and I told this unto the chartummi (magicians); but there was none that could explain it to me.

25 And Yosef said unto Pharaoh, The chalom of Pharaoh is echad: HaElohim hath revealed to Pharaoh what He is about to do.

26 The seven good cows are seven shanim; and the seven good heads of grain are seven shanim. The chalom is echad.

27 And the seven lean and ugly cows that came up after them are sheva shanim; and the seven empty heads of grain scorched by the east wind are sheva shnei ra’av (seven years of famine).

28 This is the thing which I have spoken unto Pharaoh; What HaElohim is about to do He showeth unto Pharaoh.

29 Hinei, there come sheva shanim of sava gadol (great fullness, plenty, abundance) throughout kol Eretz Mitzrayim.

30 And there shall arise after them sheva shnei ra’av (seven years of famine) and kol hasava (all abundance) shall be forgotten in Eretz Mitzrayim; and the ra’av (famine) shall consume the land;

31 And the sava shall not be known in the land by reason of that ra’av (famine) following; for it shall be kaved me’od (very grievous).

32 And for that the chalom was doubled unto Pharaoh; it is because the thing is [decidedly] established by HaElohim, and HaElohim will shortly bring it to pass.

33 Now therefore let Pharaoh select an ish navon and chochom (a man discerning and wise) and set him over Eretz Mitzrayim.

34 Let Pharaoh do this, and let him appoint pekidim (officers, overseers, commissioners) over the land, and take up the fifth part [of the harvest] of Eretz Mitzrayim in the sheva shnei hasava.

35 And let them gather kol ochel of those shanim hatovot that come, and store up grain under the yad Pharaoh, and let them be shomer over ochel in the cities.

36 And that ochel shall be for reserves for the land against the sheva shnei hara’av, which shall be in Eretz Mitzrayim; that the land perish not through the ra’av.

37 And the thing was good in the eyes of Pharaoh, and in the eyes of all his avadim.

38 And Pharaoh said unto his avadim, Can we find such an ish as this is, an ish in whom is the Ruach Elohim?

39 And Pharaoh said unto Yosef, Forasmuch as Elohim hath showed thee all this, there is none so navon (discerning) and chochom (wise) as thou art;

40 Thou shalt be over my bais (palace), and according unto thy mouth shall all my people order themselves; only with respect to the kisse will I be greater than thou.

41 And Pharaoh said unto Yosef, See, I have set thee over kol Eretz Mitzrayim.

42 And Pharaoh took off his taba’at (signet ring) from his yad, and put it upon yad Yosef, and arrayed him in garments of fine linen, and put a chain of zahav around his neck;

43 And he made him to ride in the second merkavah which he had; and they cried before him, Avrech! And he put him over kol Eretz Mitzrayim.

44 And Pharaoh said unto Yosef, I am Pharaoh, and without thee shall no man lift up his yad or regel in kol Eretz Mitzrayim.

45 And Pharaoh called shem Yosef Zaphnat Pa’neach; and he gave him as isha Asenat Bat Poti Phera kohen of On. And Yosef went out over all Eretz Mitzrayim.

46 And Yosef was thirty years old when he stood before Pharaoh Melech Mitzrayim. And Yosef went out from the presence of Pharaoh, and went throughout kol Eretz Mitzrayim.

47 And in the sheva shnei hasava the land brought forth by handfuls.

48 And he gathered up kol ochel of the sheva shanim, which were in Eretz Mitzrayim, and laid up the ochel in the cities; the ochel of the sadeh, which surrounded every city, laid he up in the same.

49 And Yosef gathered grain as the chol (sand) of the yam, very much, until he stopped counting; for it was without mispar (number).

50 And unto Yosef were born two banim before the shnat ra’av came, which Asenat Bat Poti Phera kohen of On bore unto him.

51 And Yosef called the shem of the bechor Menasheh: For Elohim, said he nashani, (hath made me forget) all my amal, and kol bais Avi.

52 And the shem of the second called he Ephrayim: For Elohim hifrani (hath caused me to be fruitful) in the eretz of my oni (suffering).

53 And the sheva shnei hasava that was in Eretz Mitzrayim were ended.

54 And the sheva shnei hara’av began to come, just as Yosef had said; and the ra’av was in all lands; but in kol Eretz Mitzrayim there was lechem.

55 And when kol Eretz Mitzrayim was famished, the people cried to Pharaoh for lechem; and Pharaoh said unto kol Mitzrayim, Go unto Yosef; what he saith to you, do.

56 And the ra’av (famine) was over kol pnei ha’aretz; and Yosef opened all that was in them, and sold unto the Mitzrayim; and the ra’av (famine) became severe in Eretz Mitzrayim.

57 And kol HaAretz (all the world) came into Mitzrayim to Yosef to buy grain; because that the ra’av (famine) was so chazak in kol HaAretz.

42 Now when Ya’akov saw that there was shever (grain) in Mitzrayim, Ya’akov said unto his banim, Why do ye look one upon another?

And he said, Hinei, I have heard that there is shever (grain) in Mitzrayim; get you down to there, and buy for us from there; that we may live, and not die.

Achei Yosef asarah (Yosef’s ten brothers) then went down to buy grain in Mitzrayim.

But Binyamin, achi Yosef, Ya’akov sent not with his achim; for he said, Lest ason (evil, harm) befall him.

And the Bnei Yisroel came to make purchase among those that were coming; for the ra’av (famine) was in Eretz Kena’an.

And Yosef was the Shalit Al HaAretz, and he it was that sold to kol Am HaAretz: and Achei Yosef came, and prostrated themselves before him with their faces to the ground.

And Yosef saw his achim, and he recognized them, but made himself a stranger unto them, and spoke roughly unto them; and he said unto them, From where come ye? And they said, From Eretz Kena’an to buy ochel.

And Yosef recognized his achim, but they recognized not him.

And Yosef remembered the chalomot which he dreamed about them, and said unto them, Ye are meragelim (spies); to see the ervat ha’aretz (nakedness of the land) ye came.

10 And they said unto him, Lo, adoni, but to buy okhel are thy avadim come.

11 We are all bnei ish echad; we are truthful ones, thy avadim are no meragelim.

12 And he said unto them, Lo, but to see the ervat ha’aretz ye came.

13 And they said, Thy avadim are Shneym Asar Achim, the bnei ish echad in Eretz Kena’an; and, hinei, the katon is today with Avinu, and one is not.

14 And Yosef said unto them, That is it just as I spoke unto you, Ye are meragelim;

15 Hereby ye shall be tested: by the life of Pharaoh ye shall not go forth from here, except achichem hakaton (your youngest brother) come here.

16 Send one of you, and let him bring back achichem, and ye shall be kept prisoner, that your words may be tested, whether there be any emes in you; or else by the life of Pharaoh surely ye are meragelim (spies).

17 And he put them all together el-mishmar (in custody) shloshet yamim.

18 And Yosef said unto them on the Yom HaShlishi [see 1C 15:4 OJBC], This do, and live; for I fear HaElohim:

19 If ye be truthful ones, let one of your achim be bound in your bais mishmar; go ye, carry grain for the ra’avon (famine of) bateichem (your house);

20 But bring achichem hakaton unto me; so shall your words be verified, and ye shall not die. And they did so.

21 And they said one to another, Surely we are ashemim (guilty ones) because of achinu (our brother), in that we saw the tzoros of his nefesh, when he besought us, and we would not hear; therefore is this tzoros come upon us.

22 And Reuven answered them, saying, Spoke I not unto you, saying, Do not sin against the yeled; and ye would not hear? Therefore, hinei, the accounting for his dahm is required [of us (see Mt 27:25 OJBC)].

23 And they had no da’as that Yosef understood them; for he spoke unto them by the melitz (go-between, interpreter).

24 And he turned himself away from them, and wept; and returned to them again, and spoke with them, and took from them Shimon, and bound him before their eyes.

25 Then Yosef commanded to fill their kelim with grain, and to restore every man’s kesef into his sack, and to give them provision for the derech; and thus did he unto them.

26 And they loaded their chamorim with the grain, and departed from there.

27 And as one of them opened his sack to get feed for his chamor in the malon (inn), he saw his kesef; for, hinei, it was in the mouth of his sack.

28 And he said unto his achim, My kesef is restored; and, hinei, it is even in my sack; and their lev failed them, and they shook with fear, saying one to another, What is this that Elohim hath done unto us?

29 And they came unto Ya’akov Avihem in Eretz Kena’an, and told him all that befell unto them; saying,

30 The ish, who is adonei HaAretz, spoke roughly to us, and took us for meragelim HaAretz.

31 And we said unto him, We are truthful ones; we are no meragelim;

32 We are Shneym Asar Achim, Bnei Avinu; one is not, and the katon is today with Avinu in Eretz Kena’an.

33 And the ish, adonei HaAretz, said unto us, Hereby shall I know that ye are truthful ones; leave one of your achim here with me, and that which is needful for the ra’avon bateichem (famine of your houses), take and be gone;

34 And bring achichem hakaton unto me; then shall I know that ye are not meragelim, but that ye are truthful ones: so will I restore you achichem, and ye shall freely trade in the land.

35 And it came to pass as they emptied their sacks, that, hinei, every man’s pouch of kesef was in his sack; and when both they and Avihem saw the pouches of kesef, they were afraid.

36 And Ya’akov Avihem said unto them, Me have ye bereaved of my children; Yosef is not, and Shimon is not, and ye will take Binyamin away; all these things are against me.

37 And Reuven spoke unto Aviv, saying, Slay my two banim, if I bring him not to thee; entrust him into my yad, and I will bring him to thee again.

38 And he said, Beni (my son) shall not go down with you; for achiv is dead, and he is left alone; if ason (harm, evil) befall him on the derech in which ye go, then shall ye bring down my gray hair in yagon (sorrow) to Sheol.

43 And the ra’av (famine) was kaved (heavy, severe) in the land.

And it came to pass, when they had eaten up the shever (grain) which they had brought out of Mitzrayim, then Avihem said unto them, Shuvu (return)! Buy for us a little ochel.

And Yehudah spoke unto him, saying, The ish did solemnly warn us, saying, Ye shall not see my face, unless achichem be with you.

If thou wilt send achinu (our brother) with us, we will go down and buy thee ochel;

But if thou wilt not send him, we will not go down; for the ish said unto us, Ye shall not see my face, unless achichem be with you.

And Yisroel said, Why dealt ye so ill with me, as to tell the ish whether ye had yet another ach (brother)?

And they said, The ish asked in detail about us and about our moledet (kindred), saying, Is Avichem yet alive? Have ye another ach? And we declared to him according to these words of [his inquiry]; could we certainly know that he would say, Bring down achichem?

And Yehudah said unto Yisroel Aviv, Send na’ar with me, and we will arise and go; that we may live, and not die, both we, and thou, and also our little ones.

I will be surety for him; of my yad shalt thou require an accounting for him; if I bring him not back unto thee, and set him before thee, then let me bear the blame kol hayamim;

10 For if we had not delayed, surely now we had returned zeh pa’amayim (this second time).

11 And Yisroel Avihem said unto them, If it must be so now, do this; take of mizimerat HaAretz (the best fruits of the land) in your kelim (vessels), and carry down to the ish a minchah (present), a little balm, and a little devash (honey), nekhot (spices), loht (myrrh), batenim (pistachio nuts), and shekedim (almonds):

12 And take kesef mishneh (double money) in your yad; and the kesef that was returned in the mouth of your sacks, carry it back in your yad; perhaps it was mishgeh (mistake);

13 Take also achichem, and arise, shuvu (return) unto the ish;

14 And El Shaddai give you rachamim before the ish, that he may send away achichem acher (your other brother), and Binyamin. If I be bereaved of my children, I am bereaved.

15 And the anashim took that minchah, and they took mishneh kesef (double money) in their yad and Binyamin; and rose up, and went down to Mitzrayim, and stood before Yosef.

16 And when Yosef saw Binyamin with them, he said to the ish over Bais Yosef, Bring these anashim home, and slaughter the tevach, and make ready; for these anashim shall dine with me at tzahorayim (noon).

17 And the ish did as Yosef said; and the ish brought the anashim to the house of Yosef.

18 And the anashim were afraid, because they were brought into Bais Yosef; and they said, Because of the kesef that was returned in our sacks at the first time are we brought in; that he may seek occasion against us, and fall upon us, and seize us for avadim, and chamoreinu (our donkeys).

19 And they came near to the ish over Bais Yosef, and they spoke with him at the petach habayit,

20 And said, O adoni, we came indeed down at the first time to buy ochel:

21 And it came to pass, when we came to the malon, that we opened our sacks, and, hinei, kesef ish (every man’s money) was in the mouth of his sack, our kesef in full weight; and we have brought it back again in our yad.

22 And kesef acher (other money) have we brought down in our hands to buy ochel; we cannot tell who put our kesef in our sacks.

23 And he said, Shalom lachem, fear not; Eloheichem, and Elohei Avichem, hath given you matmon (treasure) in your sacks; I had your kesef. And he brought Shimon out unto them.

24 And the ish brought the anashim into the house of Yosef, and gave them mayim, and they washed their raglayim; and he gave their chamorim mispo (fodder).

25 And they made ready the minchah for bo Yosef (coming of Yosef) at tzahorayim; for they heard that they would eat lechem there.

26 And when Yosef came home, they presented him the minchah which was in their yad in the house, and prostrated themselves to the ground before him.

27 And he asked them l’shalom (about their welfare), and said, Is there shalom with avichem, the zaken of whom ye spoke? Is he still alive?

28 And they answered, There is shalom with thy eved avinu; he is still alive. And they bowed their heads, and prostrated themselves.

29 And he lifted up his eyes, and saw achiv Binyamin, ben immo, and said, Is this achichem hakaton (your younger brother), of whom ye spoke unto me? And he said, Elohim be gracious unto thee, beni.

30 And Yosef made haste; for his compassion was stirred upon achiv (his brother); and he sought where to weep; and he entered into his cheder, and wept there.

31 And he washed his face, and went out, and controlled himself, and said, Serve lechem.

32 And they served him by himself, and them by themselves, and the Mitzrim (Egyptians), which did eat with him, by themselves; because Mitzrim could not eat lechem with the Ivrim; for that is a to’evah (abomination) unto the Mitzrim.

33 And they sat before him, the bechor according to his bechorah (birthright), and the youngest according to his youth; and the anashim marvelled one with another.

34 And he took and sent masot (portions) unto them from before him; but masat Binyamin was five times as much as any of theirs. And they drank, and feasted with him.

44 And he commanded the ish over Bais Yosef, saying, Fill the sacks of the anashim with ochel, as much as they can carry, and put kesef ish in the mouth of his sack.

And put my cup, gevi’a hakesef (cup of silver), in the mouth of the sack of the katon, and his kesef for shever (grain). And he did according to the davar Yosef had spoken.

As soon as the boker ohr, the anashim were sent away, they and their chamorim.

And when they were gone out of the ir, and not yet far off, Yosef said unto the ish over Bais Yosef, Up, follow after the anashim; and when thou dost overtake them, say unto them, Wherefore have ye rewarded ra’ah for tovah?

Is not this it in which adoni drinketh, and whereby indeed he divineth? Ye have done ra’ah in so doing.

And he overtook them, and he spoke unto them these same devarim.

And they said unto him, Wherefore saith adoni these words? Chalilah (far be it) that thy avadim should do according to this thing;

Hinei, the kesef, which we found in the mouth of our sacks, we brought back unto thee out of Eretz Kena’an; how then should we be ganavim stealing kesef or zahav out of the bais adonecha?

With whomsoever of thy avadim it be found, both let him die, and we also will be avadim of adoni.

10 And he said, Now also let it be according unto your devarim; he with whom it is found shall be to me eved; and ye shall be nekiyim (blameless).

11 Then they speedily took down every ish his sack to the ground, and opened every ish his sack.

12 And he searched, and began at the gadol (eldest), and ended at the katon (youngest); and the gevi’a (cup, goblet) was found in the sack of Binyamin.

13 Then they tore their garments, and loaded every ish his chamor, and returned to the ir.

14 And Yehudah and his achim came to Bais Yosef; for he was yet there; and they fell before him on the ground.

15 And Yosef said unto them, What ma’aseh (deed) is this that ye have done? Know ye not that an ish like me can find things out as a menachesh (diviner)?

16 And Yehudah said, What shall we say unto adoni? What shall we speak? Or how hall we clear ourselves? HaElohim hath found out the avon (iniquity) of thy avadim; look at us, we are now avadim la’adoni, both we, and he also with whom the gevi’a (cup) is found.

17 And he [Yosef] said, Chalilah that I should do so; but the ish in whose yad the gevi’a is found, he shall be to me eved; and as for you, go back in shalom unto avichem.


18 Then Yehudah came near unto him, and said, Oh, adoni, let thy eved speak now a davar in oznei adoni, and let not thine anger burn against thy eved; for thou art even like Pharaoh.

19 Adoni asked his avadim, saying, Have ye an av, or an ach?

20 And we said unto adoni, We have an av, a zaken, and a yeled zekunim katan (child of his old age, a little one); and achiv is dead, and he alone is left of immo, and aviv loveth him.

21 And thou saidst unto thy avadim, Bring him down unto me, that I may set mine eyes upon him.

22 And we said unto adoni, The na’ar cannot leave aviv; for if he should leave aviv, aviv would die.

23 And thou saidst unto thy avadim, Except achichem hakaton (your youngest brother) come down with you, ye shall see my face no more.

24 And it came to pass when we came up unto thy eved Avi we told him the divrei adoni.

25 And avinu said, Shuvu, (go back, return) and buy us a little ochel.

26 And we said, We cannot go down; if achinu hakaton (our youngest brother) be with us, then will we go down; for we may not see the face of HaIsh, except achinu hakaton be with us.

27 And thy eved Avi said unto us, Ye know that my wife bore me two banim;

28 And the one went out from me, and I said, Surely he is torn to pieces; and I saw him not ad-hennah (until now);

29 And if ye take this also from me, and ason (evil, harm) befall him, ye shall bring down my gray hair in ra’ah (misery) to Sheol.

30 Now therefore when I come to thy eved Avi, and the na’ar be not with us; seeing that his nefesh is bound up in the nefesh of the na’ar;

31 It shall come to pass, when he seeth that the na’ar is not with us, that he will die; and thy avadim shall bring down the gray hair of thy eved avinu with yagon (sorrow) to Sheol,

32 For thy eved became surety for the na’ar unto Avi, saying, If I bring him not unto thee, then I shall bear the blame before Avi kol hayamim.

33 Therefore, let thy eved, now, abide instead of the na’ar, an eved to adoni; and let the na’ar go up with his achim.

34 For how shall I go up to Avi, and the na’ar be not with me? Lest I see the rah that would overtake Avi.

45 Then Yosef could not control himself before all them that stood by him; and he cried, Cause kol ish to go out from me. And there stood no ish with him, while Yosef made himself known unto his achim.

And he wept aloud; and the Mitzrayim and the Bais Pharaoh heard.

And Yosef said unto his achim (brethren), I am Yosef; doth Avi yet live? And his achim could not answer him; for they were shocked with dismay at his presence.

And Yosef said unto his achim, Come near to me, now. And they came near. And he said, I am Yosef achichem (your brother), whom ye sold into Mitzrayim.

Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that ye sold me here; for Elohim did send me before you to save life.

For these two years hath the ra’av (famine) been in the land; and yet there are chamesh shanim (five years), in the which there shall neither be plowing nor harvest.

And Elohim sent me before you to save you a she’erit (remnant) in the earth, and to save life for you by a peletah gedolah (great deliverance, escape).

So now it was not you that sent me here, but HaElohim; and He hath made me as an Av to Pharaoh, and adon of all his Bais, and Moshel throughout kol Eretz Mitzrayim.

Haste ye, and go up to Avi, and say unto him, Thus saith thy ben, Yosef, Elohim hath made me as adon kol Mitzrayim; come down unto me, tarry not;

10 And thou shalt dwell in Eretz Goshen, and thou shalt be karov (near) unto me, thou, and thy banim, and thy bnei banecha, and thy tzon, and thy bakar, and all that thou hast [seeYn 14:3 OJBC]:

11 And there will I nourish thee; for yet there are chamesh shanim of ra’av (famine); lest thou, and thy bais, and all that thou hast, come to destitution.

12 And, hinei, your eyes see, and the eyes of achi Binyamin, that it is my mouth that speaketh unto you.

13 And ye shall tell Avi of kol kevod b’Mitzrayim, and of all that ye have seen; and ye shall haste and bring down Avi here.

14 And he fell upon the neck of Binyamin achiv, and wept; and Binyamin wept upon his neck.

15 Moreover he kissed all his achim, and wept upon them; and after that his achim talked with him.

16 And the news thereof was heard in Bais Pharaoh saying, Achei Yosef are come; and it pleased Pharaoh well, and his avadim.

17 And Pharaoh said unto Yosef, Say unto thy achim, This do ye; load your beasts, and go, get you unto Eretz Kena’an;

18 And take Avichem and your households, and come unto me; and I will give you the best of Eretz Mitzrayim, ye shall eat the chelev haaretz.

19 Now thou art commanded, this do ye; take you agalot (wagons) out of Eretz Mitzrayim for your little ones, and for your nashim, and bring Avichem, and come.

20 Also regard not your kelim; for the best of kol Eretz Mitzrayim is yours.

21 And the Bnei Yisroel did so; and Yosef gave them agalot, according to the commandment of Pharaoh, and gave them provision for the derech.

22 To all of them he gave each man chalifot semalot; but to Binyamin he gave three hundred pieces of kesef, and chamesh chalifot semalot.

23 And to Aviv he sent after this manner; ten chamorim loaded with the best of Mitzrayim, and ten female donkeys loaded with grain and lechem and provision for Aviv for the derech.

24 So he sent his achim away, and they departed; and he said unto them, See that ye not quarrel by the derech.

25 And they went up out of Mitzrayim, and came into Eretz Kena’an unto Ya’akov avihem,

26 And told him, saying, Yosef chai! Yosef is yet alive, and he is Moshel kol Eretz Mitzrayim. And Ya’akov’s lev fainted, for he believed them not [see Lk 24:10-11 OJBC].

27 And they told him kol divrei Yosef, which he had said unto them; and when he saw the agalot which Yosef had sent to carry him, the ruach Ya’akov avihem revived;

28 And Yisroel said, It is enough; Yosef Beni chai! Yosef Beni is yet alive; I will go and see him before I die.

46 And Yisroel took his journey with all that he had, and came to Be’erah Sheva, and offered zevakhim unto Elohei Aviv Yitzchak.

And Elohim spoke unto Yisroel in the marot halailah, and said, Ya’akov, Ya’akov. And he said, Hineni.

And He said, I am El Elohei Avicha; fear not to go down to Mitzrayim; for there I will make thee a Goy Gadol;

I will go down with thee to Mitzrayim; and I will also surely bring thee up again; and Yosef shall put his yad upon thine eyes.

And Ya’akov rose up from Be’er-Sheva; and the Bnei Yisroel carried Ya’akov Avichem, and their little ones, and their nashim, in the agalot which Pharaoh had sent to carry him.

And they took their mikneh, and their possessions, which they had acquired in Eretz Kena’an, and came to Mitzrayim, Ya’akov, and all his zera with him;

His banim, and his bnei banim with him, his banot, and his banot banim, and all his zera brought he with him to Mitzrayim.

And these are the shemot Bnei Yisroel, which came to Mitzrayim: Ya’akov and his banim: Reuven, bechor Ya’akov;

And the Bnei Reuven: Chanoch, and Phallu, and Chetzron, and Carmi.

10 And the Bnei Shimon: Yemuel, and Yamin, and Ohad, and Yachin, and Tzochar, and Shaul Ben HaKena’anit.

11 And the Bnei Levi: Gershon, Kehat, and Merari.

12 And the Bnei Yehudah: Er, and Onan, and Shelah, and Peretz, and Zarach; but Er and Onan died in Eretz Kena’an. And the Bnei Peretz were Chetzron and Chamul.

13 And the Bnei Yissakhar: Tola, and Phuvah, and Yov, and Shimron.

14 And the Bnei Zevulun: Sered, Elon, and Yachle’el.

15 These are the Bnei Leah, which she bore unto Ya’akov in Padan Aram, with his bat Dinah; kol nefesh of his banim and his banot were thirty and three.

16 And the Bnei Gad: Tziphyon, Chaggi, Shuni, Etzbon, Eri, Arodi, and Areli.

17 And the Bnei Asher: Yimnah, and Yishvah, and Yishvi, and Beriah, and Serach their achot; and the Bnei Beriah: Chever, and Malki’el.

18 These are the Bnei Zilpah, whom Lavan gave to Leah his bat, and these she bore unto Ya’akov, even sixteen nefesh.

19 The Bnei Rachel eshet Ya’akov: Yosef, and Binyamin.

20 And unto Yosef in Eretz Mitzrayim were born Menasheh and Ephrayim, which Asenat Bat Poti Phera kohen of On bore unto him.

21 And the Bnei Binyamin were Belah, and Becher, and Ashbel, Gera, and Naaman, Echi, and Rosh, Muppim, and Chuppim, and Ard.

22 These are the Bnei Rachel, which were born to Ya’akov; kol nefesh were fourteen.

23 And the Bnei Dan: Chushim.

24 And the Bnei Naphtali: Yachtze’el, and Guni, and Yetzer, and Shillem.

25 These are the Bnei Bilhah, which Lavan gave unto Rachel his bat, and she bore these unto Ya’akov; kol nefesh were shivah.

26 Kol hanefesh that came with Ya’akov to Mitzrayim, which came out of his loins, apart from the nashim of the Bnei Ya’akov, kol nefesh were threescore and six;

27 And the Bnei Yosef, which were born to him in Mitzrayim, were two nefesh; kol hanefesh of Bais Ya’akov, which came into Mitzrayim, were shivim (seventy).

28 And he sent Yehudah before him unto Yosef, to direct his face unto Goshen; and they came into Eretz Goshen.

29 And Yosef made ready his merkavah, and went up to meet Yisroel Aviv, to Goshen, and presented himself unto him; and he fell on his neck, and wept on his neck a long time.

30 And Yisroel said unto Yosef, Now let me die, since I have seen thy face, because thou art yet alive.

31 And Yosef said unto his achim, and unto Bais Aviv, I will go up, and speak to Pharaoh, and say unto him, My achim and Bais Avi, which were in Eretz Kena’an, are come unto me;

32 And the anashim are roei tzon (shepherds), keepers of livestock; and they have brought their tzon, and their bakar, and all that they have.

33 And it shall come to pass, when Pharaoh shall call you, and shall say, What is ma’aseichem (your occupation)?

34 That ye shall say, Thy avadim hath been keepers of livestock from our youth even until now, both we, and also Avoteinu; that ye may dwell in Eretz Goshen; for every ro’eh tzon is a toevat Mitzrayim.

47 Then Yosef came and told Pharaoh, and said, Avi and my achim, and their tzon, and their bakar, and all that they have, are come out of Eretz Kena’an; and they are now in Eretz Goshen.

And he took some of his achim, even five anashim, and presented them unto Pharaoh.

And Pharaoh said unto his achim, What is your occupation? And they said unto Pharaoh, Thy avadim are roeh tzon, both we, and also Avoteinu.

They said morever unto Pharaoh, For to sojourn in the land are we come; for thy avadim have no mireh (pasture) for their tzon; for the ra’av (famine) is heavy in Eretz Kena’an; now therefore, let now thy avadim dwell in Eretz Goshen.

And Pharaoh spoke unto Yosef, saying, Avicha and acheicha are come unto thee;

Eretz Mitzrayim is before thee; in the best of the land make avicha and acheicha to dwell; in Eretz Goshen let them dwell; and if thou knowest any anshei chayil among them, then make them sarei mikneh (royal overseers of livestock) of mine.

And Yosef brought in Ya’akov aviv, and set him before Pharaoh; and Ya’akov made on Pharaoh a brocha.

And Pharaoh said unto Ya’akov, How old art thou?

And Ya’akov said unto Pharaoh, The days of the shanim of my pilgrimage are a hundred and thirty shanah; few and bad have the days of the years of my life been, and have not attained unto the days of the years of the life of my avot in the days of their pilgrimage.

10 And Ya’akov made a brocha on Pharaoh, and went out from the presence of Pharaoh.

11 And Yosef settled aviv and his achim, and gave them an achuzzah (possession) in Eretz Mitzrayim, in the best of the land, in Eretz Rameses, just as Pharaoh had commanded.

12 And Yosef provided for aviv, and his achim, and kol bais aviv, with lechem, according to the children.

13 And there was no lechem in kol ha’aretz; for the ra’av was very heavy, so that Eretz Mitzrayim and kol Eretz Kena’an fainted by reason of the ra’av (famine).

14 And Yosef gathered up all the kesef that was found in the Eretz Mitzrayim, and in Eretz Kena’an, for the shever (grain) which they bought; and Yosef brought the kesef into Bais Pharaoh (Pharaoh’s palace).

15 And when kesef failed in Eretz Mitzrayim, and in Eretz Kena’an, kol Mitzrayim came unto Yosef, and said, Give us lechem; for why should we die in thy presence? For the kesef is gone.

16 And Yosef said, Give your mikneh; and I will give you for your mikneh, if kesef is gone.

17 And they brought their mikneh unto Yosef; and Yosef gave them lechem in exchange for susim, and for the tzon, and for the mikneh of the bakar, and for the chamorim; and he fed them lechem for all their mikneh for that year.

18 When that year was ended, they came unto him the shanah hashenit, and said unto him, We will not hide it from adoni, how that our kesef is spent; adoni also hath our mikneh of behemah; there is not ought left in the sight of adoni, but geviyyatenu (our bodies), and adematenu (our lands);

19 Why shall we die before thine eyes, both we and adematenu? Buy us and adematenu for lechem, and we and adematenu will be avadim unto Pharaoh; and give us zera, that we may live, and not die, that the adamah be not desolate.

20 And Yosef bought kol Admat Mitzrayim for Pharaoh; for the Mitzrayim sold every ish his sadeh, because the ra’av (famine) was chazak over them; so the land became Pharaoh’s.

21 And as for the people, he removed them to cities from one end of the borders of Mitzrayim even to the other end thereof.

22 Only the admat hakohanim bought he not; for the kohanim had a chok assigned them of Pharaoh, and did eat their chok which Pharaoh gave them; therefore they sold not their lands.

23 Then Yosef said unto the people, See, I have bought you this day and your land for Pharaoh: lo, here is zera for you, and ye shall sow the adamah.

24 And it shall come to pass in the tevu’ot, that ye shall give the fifth part unto Pharaoh, and four parts shall be your own, for zera of the sadeh, and for your ochel, and for them of your batim, and for food for your children.

25 And they said, Thou hast saved our lives; let us find chen (grace, favor) in the sight of adoni, and we will be avadim to Pharaoh.

26 And Yosef made it a chok over Eretz Mitzrayim unto this day, that Pharaoh should have the fifth part, except the admat hakohanim only, which became not Pharaoh’s.

27 And Yisroel settled in Eretz Mitzrayim, in Eretz Goshen; and they acquired property therein, and grew, and multiplied exceedingly.


28 And Ya’akov lived in Eretz Mitzrayim seventeen shanah; so the whole age of Ya’akov was a hundred forty and seven shanah.

29 And the time drew near that Yisroel must die; and he called bno Yosef, and said unto him, If now I have found chen in thy sight, put, now, thy yad under my thigh, and do chesed and emes with me; bury me not, now, in Mitzrayim;

30 But I will lie with my avot, and thou shalt carry me out of Mitzrayim, and bury me in their kever. And he said, I will do as thou hast said.

31 And he said, Swear unto me. And he swore unto him. And Yisroel prostrated toward the rosh hamittah.

48 And it came to pass after these things, that one told Yosef, Hinei, Avicha is choleh (ill); and he took with him his two banim, Menasheh and Ephrayim.

And one told Ya’akov, and said, Hinei, the ben of thee Yosef cometh unto thee; and Yisroel strengthened himself, and sat up upon the mittah (bed).

And Ya’akov said unto Yosef, El Shaddai appeared unto me at Luz in Eretz Kena’an, and made on me a brocha,

And said unto me, Hineni, I will make thee fruitful, and multiply thee, and I will make of thee a kehal of ammim; and will give HaAretz Hazot to thy zera after thee for an achuzzat olam (everlasting possession).

And now thy two banim, Ephrayim and Menasheh, which were born unto thee in Eretz Mitzrayim before I came unto thee into Mitzrayim, are mine; like Reuven and Shimon, they shall be mine.

And thy moledet, which are born to thee after them, shall be thine, and shall be called after the shem of their achim in their nachalah.

And as for me, when I came from Padan, Rachel died by me in Eretz Kena’an in the way, when there was yet but a space of land to go unto Ephratah; and I buried her there by the derech Ephrat; the same is Beit-Lechem.

And Yisroel beheld Bnei Yosef, and said, Who are these?

And Yosef said unto aviv, They are my banim, whom Elohim hath given me in this place. And he said, Bring them, now, unto me, and I will make upon them a brocha.

10 Now the eyes of Yisroel were dim from age, so that he could not see. And he brought them near unto him; and he kissed them, and embraced them.

11 And Yisroel said unto Yosef, I never expected to see thy face; and, hinei, Elohim hath showed me also thy zera.

12 And Yosef brought them out from between his knees, and he bowed himself with his face to the ground.

13 And Yosef took them both, Ephrayim in his yamin toward smol Yisroel, and Menasheh on his smol toward yamin Yisroel, and brought them near unto him.

14 And Yisroel stretched out his yamin, and laid it upon rosh Ephraim, who was the younger, and his smol upon rosh Manasseh, guiding his hands intentionally; for Menasheh was the bechor.

15 And he made on Yosef a brocha, and said, HaElohim, before whom my Avot Avraham and Yitzchak did walk, HaElohim Who was Roeh to me all my life long unto this day,

16 The Malach which redeemed me from kol rah, may he make a brocha on the ne’arim, and let my shem be named on them, and the shem of my Avot Avraham and Yitzchak; and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of ha’aretz.

17 And when Yosef saw that aviv laid his yamin upon the rosh Ephrayim, it displeased him; and he took hold of yad aviv, to remove it from rosh Ephrayim unto rosh Menasheh.

18 And Yosef said unto aviv, Not so, Avi; for this is the bechor; put thy yamin upon his rosh.

19 And aviv refused, and said, I know it, beni (my son), I know it; he also shall become a people, and he also shall be great; but truly achiv hakaton shall be greater than he, and his zera shall become a multitude of Goyim.

20 And he made a brocha on them that day, saying, In thee shall Yisroel bless, saying, Elohim make thee like Ephrayim and like Menasheh; and he set Ephrayim before Menasheh.

21 And Yisroel said unto Yosef, Hinei I die; but Elohim shall be with you, and bring you back unto the Eretz Avoteichem.

22 Moreover, I have given to thee one portion above thy achim, which I took out of the yad HaEmori with my cherev and with my keshet.

49 And Ya’akov called unto his banim, and said, Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the acharit hayamim (last days).

Gather yourselves together, and hear, ye Bnei Ya’akov; and pay heed unto Yisroel Avichem.

Reuven, thou art my bechor, my koach, and the reshit of my strength, the excellency of honor, and excellency of oz (power):

Unstable as mayim, thou shalt not excel; because thou wentest up to mishkevei avicha (thy father’s bed, i.e. incest); then defiledst thou it; he went up to my couch.

Shimon and Levi are achim; kelei chamas (instruments of violence) are in their swords.

O my nefesh, enter not thou into their sod (secret, council); unto their kehal, mine kavod, be not thou united; for in their anger they slaughtered ish, and in their ratzon (self-will) they lamed shor (ox).

Arur (cursed) be their anger, for it was fierce; and their wrath, for it was cruel; I will dispense them in Ya’akov, and scatter them in Yisroel.

Yehudah, thou art he whom thy achim yoducha (they will praise you); thy yad shall be in the oref (neck) of thine enemies; Bnei Avicha shall bow down before thee.

Yehudah is the cub of an aryeh (lion); from the prey, beni (my son), thou hast gone up; he stooped down, he couched like an aryeh, and like a lioness; who shall rouse him?

10 The shevet (sceptre) shall not depart from Yehudah, nor a Mekhokek (Lawgiver) from between his raglayim, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall be the obedience of the amim (peoples, nations).

11 He ties his foal unto the gefen (vine), and his donkey’s colt unto the choice vine; he will wash his levush (garments) in yayin, and his robe in the dahm anavim (blood of grapes);

12 His eyes shall be darker with yayin, and his shinayim (teeth) whiter than cholov (milk).

13 Zevulun shall dwell at the seashore; and he shall be a haven for oniyyot (ships); and his border shall be unto Tzidon.

14 Yissakhar is a strong chamor (donkey) lying down between two saddlebags;

15 And he saw that a menuchah (resting place) was tov, and haaretz that it was pleasant; and bowed his shoulder to bear, and became oved (submitting, enslaved) at forced labor.

16 Dan yadin (shall judge) his people, as one of the Shivtei Yisroel.

17 Dan shall be a nachash beside the derech, a viper along the orach (path) that biteth the ikkvei sus (the horse heels), so that its rider shall fall backward.

18 I have waited for Thy Yeshuah (Salvation), Hashem.

19 Gad, gedud (raider) shall raid him; but he shall raid akev ([at] the heel).

20 Out of Asher his lechem shall be rich, and he shall yield royal dainties.

21 Naphtali is a doe let loose; he giveth goodly sayings.

22 Yosef is a ben of a fruittree, even ben of a fruit-tree near an ayin (spring, well); its daughters (i.e., branches) run over the wall;

23 The ba’alei khitzim (archers) provoke him, and shoot at him, and hate him;

24 But his keshet (bow) remained steady, and the arms of his hands remain strong, from the hands of the Avir Ya’akov, from there, from the Ro’eh, Even Yisroel;

25 And from El Avicha, who shall help thee; and Shaddai, who shall make brocha over thee with Birkat Shomayim above, Birkat Tehom that lieth beneath, Birkat Shadayim and of Rekhem.

26 Birkat Avicha surpass the Birkat of my progenitors unto the utmost border of the giveot olam (everlasting hills); they shall come on the rosh Yosef, and on the brow of the Prince among his achim.

27 Binyamin—a ze’ev (wolf) which tears in pieces; in the boker he shall devour the prey, and at erev he shall divide the plunder.

28 All these are the Shivtei Yisroel; and this is it that Avichem spoke unto them, and made a brocha on them; every one according to his brocha he blessed them.

29 And he charged them, and said unto them, I am to be gathered unto my people; bury me with Avotai in the me’arah (cave) that is in the sadeh of Ephron the Chitti,

30 In the me’arah that is in the sadeh of Machpelah, which is near Mamre, in Eretz Kena’an, which Avraham bought with the sadeh of Ephron the Chitti for an achuzzat kever (burial estate).

31 There they buried Avraham and Sarah his isha; there they buried Yitzchak and Rivkah his isha; and there I buried Leah.

32 The purchase of the sadeh and of the me’arah (cave) that is therein was from the Bnei Chet (Heth).

33 And when Ya’akov had made an end of commanding his banim, he gathered up his raglayim into the mittah, and expired, and was gathered unto his people.

50 And Yosef fell upon the face of Aviv, and wept over him, and kissed him.

And Yosef commanded his avadim the rofe’im (physicians) to embalm Aviv; and the rofe’im embalmed Yisroel.

And arba’im yom were fulfilled for him; for so are fulfilled the days of those which are embalmed; and the Mitzra’im mourned for him shivim yom (seventy days).

And when the days of his mourning were past, Yosef spoke unto the Bais Pharaoh, saying, If now I have found chen in your eyes, speak, now, in the oznayim of Pharaoh, saying,

Avi made me swear, saying, Hinei, I die; in my kever which I dug for myself in Eretz Kana’an, there shalt thou bury me. Therefore let me go up, now, and bury Avi, and I will return.

And Pharaoh said, Go up, and bury Avicha, according as he made thee swear.

And Yosef went up to bury Aviv; and with him went up all the avadim of Pharaoh, the zekenim of his Bais, and all the zekenim of Eretz Mitzrayim,

And kol Bais Yosef, and his achim, and Bais Aviv; only their little ones, and their tzon, and their bakar (cattle), they left in Eretz Goshen.

And there went up with him both merkavot and parashim; and it was a very great machaneh.

10 And they came to the goren (threshing floor) of Atad, which is beyond the Yarden, and there they mourned with a gadol and very bitter lamentation; and he made evel (mourning) for Aviv shivat yamim.

11 And when the inhabitants of HaAretz, the Kena’ani, saw the evel (mourning) in the goren Atad, they said, This is a grievous evel to the Mitzrayim; therefore the shem of it was called Evel Mitzrayim. It is beyond the Yarden.

12 And his [Ya’akov’s] banim did unto him according as he commanded them;

13 For his banim carried him into Eretz Kena’an, and buried him in the me’arah (cave) of the sadeh of Machpelah, near Mamre, the sadeh which Avraham had bought for an achuzzat kever (burial estate) and made the purchase from Ephron the Chitti.

14 And, after burying Aviv, Yosef returned into Mitzrayim, he, and his achim, and all that went up with him to bury Aviv.

15 And when the Achei Yosef (the brothers of Yosef) saw that Avihem was dead, they said, What if Yosef will hate us, and will certainly requite us all the ra’ah which we did unto him.

16 And they sent word unto Yosef, saying, Avicha did command before he died, saying,

17 So shall ye say unto Yosef, Forgive, now, the peysha of thy achim, and their chattat; for they did unto thee ra’ah; and now, forgive the peysha of the Avdei Elohei Avicha. And Yosef wept when they spoke unto him.

18 And his achim also went and fell down before him; and they said, Behold us, we are thy avadim.

19 And Yosef said unto them, Fear not; for am I in the place of Elohim?

20 But as for you, ye intended ra’ah against me; but Elohim intended it for tovah, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save Am Rav (much people) alive.

21 Now therefore fear ye not; I will provide for you, and your little ones. And he comforted them, and spoke kindly unto their hearts.

22 And Yosef dwelt in Mitzrayim, he, and Bais Aviv; and Yosef lived one hundred and ten shanim.

23 And Yosef saw Ephraim’s bnei shileshim (children to the third generation); also the Bnei Machir Ben Menasheh were brought up upon the birkei Yosef (knees of Yosef).

24 And Yosef said unto his achim, I die; and Elohim will surely visit you, and bring you out of this land unto HaAretz which He promised by oath to Avraham, to Yitzchak, and to Ya’akov.

25 And Yosef made the Bnei Yisroel take an oath, saying, Elohim will surely visit you, and ye shall carry up my atzmot from hence.

26 So Yosef died, being in age one hundred and ten shanim; and they embalmed him, and he was placed in an aron in Mitzrayim.

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