This content was created by Anonymous.  The last update was by Anna Michelle Martinez-Montavon.

A Genealogy of Refusal : Walking away from crisis and scarcity narratives

It’s Not Imposter Syndrome: Resisting Self-Doubt as Normal For Library Workers

"success risks jealousy, bullying, or being undermined within a competitive workforce, and that deferring to those higher up the ladder is part of the everyday emotional labour performed to manage the emotions of those with more power than ourselves. "an individualistic workplace can be isolating, controlling, and abusive. How can we advise workers to be vulnerable and authentic, if institutions replicating whiteness may in fact end up harming workers who express themselves with trust or authenticity?" "workplace policies can directly contribute to a culture of anxiety, uncertainty, stress, and internalized blame within their employees. The onus is on the worker to become resilient and less sensitive, gracefully absorbing harm for the comfort of the institution."

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