Reflecting Medieval Manuscripts: RTI at Spencer Research Library


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Flesh Side:
The side of a sheet of parchment or vellum that faced the animal's flesh. The flesh side is almost always whiter and softer than the hair side. The two sides are often easy to identify.
A decorative or finishing detail.
Flyleaves are additional pages at the beginning or end of a book that protect the main text from worming or damage to the binding. They were often used to try out designs and test newly cut pen nibs. They sometimes include details about provenance
A sheet of writing material, from the Latin word meaning leaf, one half of a bifolium. The front and back of a folio are known as the recto and verso. The numbering of leaves is termed foliation. Folio and folios are abbreviated as f. and ff., or fol. and fols. The term can also be used to describe a large volume, in which each sheet is folded only once.
The edge of a book, opposite the spine
A section or leaf from a manuscript that is separated from the original quire or codex.