Rebooting Electronic Literature: Documenting Pre-Web Born Digital Media

Resources for David Kolb's "Socrates in the Labyrinth"

When David came to the Electronic Literature Lab for his Traversal, he donated both physical and digital materials to the Electronic Literature Organization. This collection constitutes a treasure trove of resources for scholars interested the production of David's work, of early e-lit, and the field as it was developing in the late 20th Century. 

1. Physical Archive

The physical archive consists of personal letters, manuals, articles, pamphlets, conference proceedings and catalogs, floppy disks and CD-ROMS of e-lit works by prominent authors, software, books, and other items. They are stored in ELL with the ELO Archives as the David Kolb Collection.

ACM Conference Documents and Catalogs:
Electronic Literature and Software: 
DAC Conference Materials 
Other Items:

Diskette of Autodesk Animation Player with yellow instruction paper
Business card for Holly Frankling, PhD from Multimedia software publishing and accompanying letter from Holly to David dated June 5th, 1998
Unmarked disk in an addressed envelope


2. Electronic Archive

The electronic archive consists of versions of Socrates in the Labyrinth; other hypertext works by David, including the entire archive for Sprawling Places; presentations and talks that David has given over the years about his work and about electronic literature; and essays he has written or collected. This archive has been saved temporarily to ELL's server and will be moved to the ELO's site at Compute Canada in the summer 2018. 

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