Rebooting Electronic Literature, Volume 2: Documenting Pre-Web Born Digital Media

Social Media Content for Tim McLaughlin's "Notes Towards Absolute Zero"

Because Tim McLaughlin's Traversal of Notes Toward Absolute Zero took place at the University of Victoria, the social media usage differed slightly from the Traversals that took place at the Electronic Literature Lab. On the days leading up to the event, members of the ELL Team posted on the Pathfinders channel of Facebook and via lab's Twitter channel. But since they could not travel to the University of Victoria, few posts were generated during the event. Grigar moderated the YouTube chat as she had done at the previous Traversals.


Pathfinders posted a bio of Tim McLaughlin on Facebook. He is a photographer and writer based in Vancouver, British Columbia. He has also experimented with radio, hypertext fiction, book production, and documentary film.

Pathfinders posted a plot description by Eastgate Systems, Inc.: "Notes Towards Absolute Zero'interweaves historical documents of ill-fated Franklin expedition with the personal reminiscences of a woman in search for her hypnotist and of the man who, in turn, searches for her."

This post provides an invitation to Tim McLaughlin's traversal hosted by UVic Libraries Digital Scholarship Commons on March 1, 2019 from 2:00-3:30 pm PST. It also mentions that the Traversal is in celebration of Endangered Data Week.


The Electronic Literature Lab tweeted an invitation to view the live stream traversal of Tim McLaughlin's Notes Toward Absolute Zero. An image of the folio and its contents are also included.

Matt Huculak tweeted a quote from Notes Toward Absolute Zero that "travel is a conversation between places."


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