Reassembling RubbishMain MenuReassembling RubbishThe opening page into this project.The Rubbish BinA place to engage our audiences.Works CitedA bibliography of works referred to in this project.Josh Lepawsky31444794f29f45991a28c6c997946216e765688e
What are some examples of centres of modernism?
12013-10-18T02:55:00-07:00Josh Lepawsky31444794f29f45991a28c6c997946216e765688e3864This is where Latour briefly describes what he calls centres of modernism.plain2013-10-18T03:14:48-07:00Josh Lepawsky31444794f29f45991a28c6c997946216e765688eThe centres of modernism for Latour are law, science, technology, economics, markets, urbanism, city life...
Contents of this annotation:
12013-10-17T18:25:10-07:00Josh Lepawsky31444794f29f45991a28c6c997946216e765688eAIME - Presentation at HfG Karlsruhe 18.06.20121Bruno Latour, Christophe Leclercq and Dorothea Heinz presenting their new project "AIME". In a second step they use Armin Linke's photography as an example for a cooperation between anthropology and art.