Reassembling Rubbish
The research questions driving the project include:
1. What is the ‘right’ thing to do with e-waste? Where, how, and under what conditions should electronics be recycled? How might a better understanding of the knowledge, skills, and creativity of workers in foreign markets, who re-imagine and rework electronics disposed of in Canada and elsewhere into new commodities, lead to a rethinking of electronic waste as a potential source of value?
2. Is a system of ‘ethical’ or ‘fair’ trade in e-waste – which would include, inter alia, material and component recovery as well as repair, refurbishing, and reuse of machines – a viable alternative to the existing strategies of national and international legal prohibitions against e-waste exports from ‘developed’ to ‘developing’ countries? If so, what would such a system of trade look like and how would it be regulated/governed?
3. These questions raise intertwined, complex and urgent questions about sustainability, innovation, poverty, and prosperity that transcend the political and legal boundaries of any one nation. They also immediately raise concomitant questions: 'what counts as waste and what counts as value?'; 'how is that which becomes waste produced in the first place?'; 'who gets what wastes?; where?; how?; and under what conditions?
The research is funded by a Social Sciences and Humanities Council (SSHRC) Insight grant. More information about SSHRC can be found here. More information about the specific grant funding this project can be found here.
Related Media, Publications, Presentations, and Writing
Lepawsky, Josh. 2018. Reassembling Rubbish| Worlding Electronic Waste. MIT Press.
Lepawsky, Josh. Interview with Restart Radio.
Lepawsky, Josh. Interview with CBC Radio | Day 6 "'Wasted': Why recycling isn't enough when it comes to e-waste".
Lepawsky, Josh, Erin Araujo, John-Michael Davis, and Ramzy Kahhat. 2017. ‘Best of Two Worlds? Towards Ethical Electronics Repair, Reuse, Repurposing and Recycling’. Geoforum 81 (May): 87–99. doi:10.1016/j.geoforum.2017.02.007.
Lepawsky, Josh. 2017. Precision is not accuracy. Discard Studies.
Lepawsky, Josh and C. Connolly. 2016. A crack in the facade? Situating Singapore in global flows of electronic waste. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 37: 158–175. doi: 10.1111/sjtg.12149.
Lepawsky, Josh. 2015. Trading on Distortion. Resource Recycling.
Lepawsky, Josh. 2015. Bigger, Better, Faster, More? Breaking the taboo of production. Discard Studies.
Lepawsky, Josh and G. Akese. 2015. Sweeping Away Agbobgloshie. Again. Discard Studies.
Lepawsky, Josh, J. Goldstein, and Y. Schulz. 2015. Criminal Negligence? Discard Studies.
Interview for SciDevNet. 2015. “World’s biggest e-dump, or vital supplies for Ghana?”.
Interviews for CBC Radio. 2015. Release of United Nations report “The Global E-waste Monitor” as part of Earth Day coverage (in order of occurrence by station: Windsor, Kitchener-Waterloo, Goose Bay, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Fredericton, Kamloops, Calgary, Kelowna, and Regina). 22-24 April 2015.
Lepawsky, Josh. 2015 Beyond recycling: solving e-waste problems must include designers and consumers. The Conversation.
Lepawsky, Josh. 2015. Electronic Waste. International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd Edition. Elsevier.
Lepawsky, Josh. 2015. Are We Living in a Post-Basel World? Area, n/a – n/a. doi:10.1111/area.12144.
Lepawsky, Josh, Akese, C., Billah, M., Connolly, C., McNabb, C. 2014. Composing Urban Orders from Rubbish Electronics: Cityness and the Site Multiple. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. doi: 10.1111/1468-2427.12142.
Lepawsky, Josh. 2014. Worlding Electronic Waste. An invited talk at the Smithsonian Museum, Washington, DC.
Interview for ‘In Developing World, A Push to Bring E-waste Out of Shadows’. Yale Environment 360. 6 February 2014.
Lepawsky, Josh and Mather, C. 2014. A Terminal Condition: the Cathode Ray Tube's Strange Afterlife. The Atlantic.
Lepawsky, Josh. 2014. The Changing Geography of Global Trade in Electronic Discards: time to rethink the e-waste problem. The Geographical Journal. DOI: 10.1111/geoj.12077 (Open Access: video abstract and article).
Lepawsky, Josh. 2014. Time to rethink the e-waste problem. Geography Directions Blog.
Lepawsky, Josh. 2012. Legal geographies of e-waste legislation in Canada and the US: Jurisdiction, responsibility and the taboo of production. Geoforum. (Open Access article)
Lepawsky, Josh and Billah, M. 2011. Making Chains that (Un)make Things: waste-value relations and the Bangladeshi rubbish electronics industry. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography. 93 (2), p. 121-139 (Open Access: article)
Lepawsky, Josh and Mather, C. 2011. From Beginnings and Endings to Boundaries and Edges: rethinking circulation and exchange through electronic waste. Area. 43 (3), p. 242-249 (Open Access: video abstract and article)
Lepawsky, Josh and C. McNabb. 2010. Mapping the international trade and traffic of electronic waste. The Canadian Geographer. 54 (2), 177-195 (Open Access: article)
Akese, Grace Abena. 2014. “Price Realization for Electronic Waste (e-Waste) in Accra, Ghana.” Masters, Memorial University of Newfoundland. (Available here).Connolly, Creighton P. 2012. “Singapore Is a Gold Mine: Re-Orienting International Flows of Secondhand Electronics.” Masters, Memorial University of Newfoundland. (Available here).
McNabb, Chris. 2013. E-waste at Memorial University of Newfoundland: moving along the rubbish is not taking out the trash. Masters thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland. (Available here)
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