Pueblo Football Rivalry: The Pueblo Football Bell Games


As the autumn air flows through the dusk sky you gather friends and family to enter into Dutch Clark Stadium. you walk through the gateway and are met with a flow of fellow audience members and are greeted by members of the different school clubs. As you shuffle through the crowd you are met with several smells: the buttery aroma of popcorn dances past you while the spicy cinnamon sucker a child just bought tangos-through your nostrils. You notice the long line to the concessions as others who succumbed to the savory smells wait their destinies. You look upwards and see a tower that holds the announcers  where they narrate the whole game and announce the names of the starting players. you find your seats on metal bleachers held up by concrete and lay out a blanket to keep you warm as now as you watch the cold breeze flows upwards from the Arkansas river that the Stadium looms over. The buzzer goes off and the Pueblo Bell Game is underway. Culture is being established tradition is being passed down and for the night the city of pueblo is united under the stadium lights. All across Colorado this will be the highlight of the Sports pages in the morning newspapers. 

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