The Program as Advertisement: Art and Propaganda in Concert and Theater Programs, Exhibition Catalogues, and Brochures in Germany 1913-1961

World War I and the Weimar Republic

Booklets describing the history of the Münchner Volkstheater on the occasion of the ten-year anniversary of the theater's reopening in 1903. The program relates the history of Munich's Volkstheater, which goes as far back as the 1580s. Beginning with traveling troupes who performed in tents on the area which was originally a privately owned barn, the theater continued to be a popular venue and in the beginning of the 18th century housed the famous Haupt- und Staataktionen (Head- and State actions, a mixture of drama—primarily tragedy—and improvisatory theater performed by traveling troupes) then, already in a permanent building. At the turn of the twentieth century the theater was updated to fit new safety regulations. Since 1903 it housed regular performances of classical works like those of Goethe, Schiller, and Lessing, alongside contemporary works like those of Heinrich Mann and Lion Feuchtwanger, who both emigrated to the United States after Hitler's ascension to power. 


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