Post-war Germany, 1945-1949
Issue of Neubeginn und Wiederaufbau 1945-1949 (New Beginning and Reconstruction 1945-1949) published by the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (Federal Center for Political Education, 1989), surveying the rehabilitation of Germany immediately after the war on a number of fronts, including political life, new economy and social order, the church, and Culture and Art. The latter category is divided into three sub categories: Press, Radio and Film; Theater, Literature and Music; Youth, School and University. Among other things, this part discussed the performances of Wolfgang Borchert Draußen vor der Tür (“The Man outside”), describing the hopelessness of a post-war soldier who returns to discover that he has lost everything. Alongside performance of theater pieces depicting the devastation of a post-war Germany were also pieces like Carl Zuckmeyer's controversial 1942-3 play Des Teufels General (“The Devil's General”). The play barely passed the censorship of the allies since while some believed it to be an antifascist piece, others claimed it was an apologetic play that excuses the conduct of Nazi dignitaries during the war.