The Program as Advertisement: Art and Propaganda in Concert and Theater Programs, Exhibition Catalogues, and Brochures in Germany 1913-1961Main MenuArt and the ProgramDocumenting Cultural Events in Germany Before, During, and After the Nazi EraGermany Before World War I: The Munich Folk Theater and its HistoryGermany Before World War I: The Munich Folk Theater and its HistoryWorld War I and the Weimar RepublicConcerts, Opera, and Music Theater Programs in Germany Between 1933 and 1945Song and Choir Sheet Music of the New CommunitySong and Choir Sheet Music of the New Community, contentCulture League of German Jews 1933/4Culture League of German Jews 1933/4Invitations, Posters, and AdvertisementsCabaret under Nazi RegimeCabaret under Nazi RegimeThe "Great German Art Exhibition" and the "Degenerate Art" ExhibitionThe "Great German Art Exhibition" and the "Degenerate Art" ExhibitionOld Household Goods - Old Folk ArtOld Household Goods - Old Folk ArtA Glimpse from the Outside: German Publications Reviewed by the "Friends of Europe" PeriodicalA Glimpse from the Outside: German Publications Reviewed by the "Friends of Europe" PeriodicalPost-war Germany, 1945-1949Post-war Germany, 1945-1949Wagner Performances in Post-war GermanyWagner Performances in Post-war GermanyExiles Return: Brecht and Weill's Threepenny Opera in Post-war GermanyExiles Return: Brecht and Weill's Threepenny Opera in Post-war GermanyConclusionAdi Nesterebef2239f18cd6ba5c09a0dfc25b13cff6ecbf4c
Song and Choir Sheet Music of the New Community, front page
12017-08-22T11:56:59-07:00Adi Nesterebef2239f18cd6ba5c09a0dfc25b13cff6ecbf4c196412Song and Choir Sheet Music of the New Community, front pageplain2017-09-13T17:56:29-07:00Richard Campbell Collection, Box 1, Folder 7Adi Nesterebef2239f18cd6ba5c09a0dfc25b13cff6ecbf4c
Lied- und Chorblatt der neuen Gemeinschaft (Song and Choir Sheet Music of the New Community). With an understanding of music's great potential to unite people behind an ideology, these booklets were distributed as “Pflichtlieder” (mandatory songs) for the years 1942-44. Some were provided with additional parts for the choir. Although it was assumed that the population was already familiar with many of the songs in the booklet, the aim was to provide a “verbindliche Fassung”, an authoritative, canonical edition of these songs that would eliminate variations in performance.