The Program as Advertisement: Art and Propaganda in Concert and Theater Programs, Exhibition Catalogues, and Brochures in Germany 1913-1961

The Great German Art Exhibition

Program announcing the 1940 Grosse deutsche Kunstausstellung (Great German Art Exhibit 1937-1944) in the Munchen House of German Art featuring the works of contemporary German artists such as Georg Siebert (“Meine Kameraden in Polen”, My Comrades in Poland 1939), Franz Eichhorst (“Polenkämpfer, Polish Fighters), Arno Breker (“Kameraden”,  Comrades), and Wilhelm Sauter (“Der ewige Musketier”, The eternal Musketeer). Works highlighting themes of war and camaraderie in battle, are presented alongside pastoral scenes such as Ivo Saliger's “Die Rast der Diana” (Diana's Rest), and Oskar Martin Amorbach's “Bauerngrazie” (Farmer Grace).


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