Petroleum, Refineries, and the FutureMain MenuAppreciating Oil Refinery ScienceBy Shailesh ThapaExploring Pollution and the Environmental Impacts Associated with Petroleum RefiningBy Bailey KlauseDisaster Risks and What Refineries Can do to Best PrepareBy Nick SteinhoferThe (In)visible Violence of Petroleum RefineriesBy Klara BeinhornGlobal Environmental Justice: Holding Oil Refineries ResponsibleBy Sam HermannHealth, Petroleum Refineries, and the FutureBy: Jake RamesContributorsOil Boom Inquiry 2017Jonathan Steinwandc8ac305627e647489509eb85de97dd9cc5413a58
Why Corrosion is a huge issue
12017-12-03T18:25:26-08:00Shailesh Thapa51b3d92b2a14f47635466e52bf390fc586eb36b3270493plain2017-12-07T21:09:11-08:00Shailesh Thapa51b3d92b2a14f47635466e52bf390fc586eb36b3There are many datas to backup the fact that corrosion is a huge issue in Petroleum Refining Industry particularly in the United States. As implied by an study published by NACE International, the particular concern in United States’ Petroleum and Refining industry is necessary because the United States is the largest refining capacity in the world. In 1996 in the United States, the total cost due to corrosion related problems was $3.7 billion. Out of this total cost, maintenance expenses was $1.8 billion, vessel expense was $1.4 billion and fouling cost was about $0.5 billion, annually (Koch).
Works Cited
Koch, Gerhardus H. et al. “Corrosion Costs and Preventive Strategies in the United States”. NACE International. Web. Accessed 19 Nov 2017.
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12017-12-03T13:42:31-08:00Shailesh Thapa51b3d92b2a14f47635466e52bf390fc586eb36b3Corrosion in Production OperationsShailesh Thapa6image_header5581462017-12-07T21:08:18-08:00Shailesh Thapa51b3d92b2a14f47635466e52bf390fc586eb36b3